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Selected Verse: 1 Samuel 30:29 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Sa 30:29 Strong Concordance And to them which were in Rachal [07403], and to them which were in the cities [05892] of the Jerahmeelites [03397], and to them which were in the cities [05892] of the Kenites [07017],
  King James And to them which were in Rachal, and to them which were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to them which were in the cities of the Kenites,

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

1sa 23:19        
1sa 27:10        
jud 1:16        

Rachal - 1Sa 23:19 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
1Sa 23:19 C D T K Then came up [05927] the Ziphites [02130] to Saul [07586] to Gibeah [01390], saying [0559], Doth not David [01732] hide [05641] himself with us in strong holds [04679] in the wood [02793], in the hill [01389] of Hachilah [02444], which is on the south [03225] of Jeshimon [03452]?