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Selected Verse: 1 Samuel 17:10 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Sa 17:10 Strong Concordance And the Philistine [06430] said [0559], I defy [02778] the armies [04634] of Israel [03478] this day [03117]; give [05414] me a man [0376], that we may fight [03898] together [03162].
  King James And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

I defy
1sa 17:25,26,36,45 nu 23:7,8 2sa 21:21 2sa 23:9 ne 2:19
give me
job 40:9-12 ps 9:4,5 pr 16:18 jer 9:23 da 4:37

I defy - 1Sa 17:25,26,36,45 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
1Sa 17:25 C D T K And the men [0376] of Israel [03478] said [0559], Have ye seen [07200] this man [0376] that is come up [05927]? surely to defy [02778] Israel [03478] is he come up [05927]: and it shall be, that the man [0376] who killeth [05221] him, the king [04428] will enrich [06238] him with great [01419] riches [06239], and will give [05414] him his daughter [01323], and make [06213] his father's [01] house [01004] free [02670] in Israel [03478].
1Sa 17:26 C D T K And David [01732] spake [0559] to the men [0582] that stood [05975] by him, saying [0559], What shall be done [06213] to the man [0376] that killeth [05221] this [01975] Philistine [06430], and taketh away [05493] the reproach [02781] from Israel [03478]? for who is this uncircumcised [06189] Philistine [06430], that he should defy [02778] the armies [04634] of the living [02416] God [0430]?
1Sa 17:36 C D T Thy servant [05650] slew [05221] both the lion [0738] and the bear [01677]: and this uncircumcised [06189] Philistine [06430] shall be as one [0259] of them, seeing he hath defied [02778] the armies [04634] of the living [02416] God [0430].
1Sa 17:45 C D T K Then said [0559] David [01732] to the Philistine [06430], Thou comest [0935] to me with a sword [02719], and with a spear [02595], and with a shield [03591]: but I come [0935] to thee in the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], the God [0430] of the armies [04634] of Israel [03478], whom thou hast defied [02778].