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Selected Verse: Deuteronomy 27:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
De 27:7 Strong Concordance And thou shalt offer [02076] peace offerings [08002], and shalt eat [0398] there, and rejoice [08055] before [06440] the LORD [03068] thy God [0430].
  King James And thou shalt offer peace offerings, and shalt eat there, and rejoice before the LORD thy God.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

peace offerings
le 3:1-17 le 7:11-17 ac 10:36 ro 5:1,10 eph 2:16,17
eph 2:16,17 col 1:20 heb 13:20,21    
de 12:7,12 de 16:11,14 de 26:10,11 2ch 30:23-27 ne 8:10
ps 100:1,2 isa 12:3 isa 61:3,10 hab 3:18 php 3:3
php 4:4        

peace offerings - Le 3:1-17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Le 3:1 C D T K And if his oblation [07133] be a sacrifice [02077] of peace offering [08002], if he offer [07126] it of the herd [01241]; whether it be a male [02145] or female [05347], he shall offer [07126] it without blemish [08549] before [06440] the LORD [03068].
Le 3:2 C D T K And he shall lay [05564] his hand [03027] upon the head [07218] of his offering [07133], and kill [07819] it at the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150]: and Aaron's [0175] sons [01121] the priests [03548] shall sprinkle [02236] the blood [01818] upon the altar [04196] round about [05439].
Le 3:3 C D T K And he shall offer [07126] of the sacrifice [02077] of the peace offering [08002] an offering made by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068]; the fat [02459] that covereth [03680] the inwards [07130], and all the fat [02459] that is upon the inwards [07130],
Le 3:4 C D T K And the two [08147] kidneys [03629], and the fat [02459] that is on them, which is by the flanks [03689], and the caul [03508] above the liver [03516], with the kidneys [03629], it shall he take away [05493].
Le 3:5 C D T K And Aaron's [0175] sons [01121] shall burn [06999] it on the altar [04196] upon the burnt sacrifice [05930], which is upon the wood [06086] that is on the fire [0784]: it is an offering made by fire [0801], of a sweet [05207] savour [07381] unto the LORD [03068].
Le 3:6 C D T And if his offering [07133] for a sacrifice [02077] of peace offering [08002] unto the LORD [03068] be of the flock [06629]; male [02145] or female [05347], he shall offer [07126] it without blemish [08549].
Le 3:7 C D T K If he offer [07126] a lamb [03775] for his offering [07133], then shall he offer [07126] it before [06440] the LORD [03068].
Le 3:8 C D T K And he shall lay [05564] his hand [03027] upon the head [07218] of his offering [07133], and kill [07819] it before [06440] the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150]: and Aaron's [0175] sons [01121] shall sprinkle [02236] the blood [01818] thereof round about [05439] upon the altar [04196].
Le 3:9 C D T K And he shall offer [07126] of the sacrifice [02077] of the peace offering [08002] an offering made by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068]; the fat [02459] thereof, and the whole [08549] rump [0451], it shall he take off [05493] hard [05980] by the backbone [06096]; and the fat [02459] that covereth [03680] the inwards [07130], and all the fat [02459] that is upon the inwards [07130],
Le 3:10 C D T And the two [08147] kidneys [03629], and the fat [02459] that is upon them, which is by the flanks [03689], and the caul [03508] above the liver [03516], with the kidneys [03629], it shall he take away [05493].
Le 3:11 C D T K And the priest [03548] shall burn [06999] it upon the altar [04196]: it is the food [03899] of the offering made by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068].
Le 3:12 C D T K And if his offering [07133] be a goat [05795], then he shall offer [07126] it before [06440] the LORD [03068].
Le 3:13 C D T And he shall lay [05564] his hand [03027] upon the head [07218] of it, and kill [07819] it before [06440] the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150]: and the sons [01121] of Aaron [0175] shall sprinkle [02236] the blood [01818] thereof upon the altar [04196] round about [05439].
Le 3:14 C D T And he shall offer [07126] thereof his offering [07133], even an offering made by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068]; the fat [02459] that covereth [03680] the inwards [07130], and all the fat [02459] that is upon the inwards [07130],
Le 3:15 C D T And the two [08147] kidneys [03629], and the fat [02459] that is upon them, which is by the flanks [03689], and the caul [03508] above the liver [03516], with the kidneys [03629], it shall he take away [05493].
Le 3:16 C D T K And the priest [03548] shall burn [06999] them upon the altar [04196]: it is the food [03899] of the offering made by fire [0801] for a sweet [05207] savour [07381]: all the fat [02459] is the LORD'S [03068].
Le 3:17 C D T K It shall be a perpetual [05769] statute [02708] for your generations [01755] throughout all your dwellings [04186], that ye eat [0398] neither fat [02459] nor blood [01818].