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Selected Verse: Matthew 8:28 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 8:28 Strong Concordance And [2532] when he [846] was come [2064] to [1519] the other side [4008] into [1519] the country [5561] of the Gergesenes [1086], there met [5221] him [846] two [1417] possessed with devils [1139], coming [1831] out of [1537] the tombs [3419], exceeding [3029] fierce [5467], so that [5620] no [3361] man [5100] might [2480] pass [3928] by [1223] that [1565] way [3598].
  King James And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

mr 5:1-20 lu 8:26-39 ac 10:38    
ge 10:16 ge 15:21 de 7:1    
mr 5:2-5 lu 8:27,29      
jud 5:6        

when - Mr 5:1-20 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Mr 5:1 C D T K And [2532] they came over [2064] unto [1519] the other side [4008] of the sea [2281], into [1519] the country [5561] of the Gadarenes [1046].
Mr 5:2 C D T K And [2532] when he [846] was come [1831] out of [1537] the ship [4143], immediately [2112] there met [528] him [846] out of [1537] the tombs [3419] a man [444] with [1722] an unclean [169] spirit [4151],
Mr 5:3 C D T K Who [3739] had [2192] his dwelling [2731] among [1722] the tombs [3419]; and [2532] no man [3762] could [1410] bind [1210] him [846], no, not [3777] with chains [254]:
Mr 5:4 C D T K Because [1223] that he [846] had been often [4178] bound [1210] with fetters [3976] and [2532] chains [254], and [2532] the chains [254] had been plucked asunder [1288] by [5259] him [846], and [2532] the fetters [3976] broken in pieces [4937]: neither [2532] could [2480] any man tame [1150] him [846] [3762].
Mr 5:5 C D T K And [2532] always [1275], night [3571] and [2532] day [2250], he was [2258] in [1722] the mountains [3735], and [2532] in [1722] the tombs [3418], crying [2896], and [2532] cutting [2629] himself [1438] with stones [3037].
Mr 5:6 C D T K But [1161] when he saw [1492] Jesus [2424] afar off [575] [3113], he ran [5143] and [2532] worshipped [4352] him [846],
Mr 5:7 C D T K And [2532] cried [2896] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], and said [2036], What [5101] have I [1698] to do [2532] with thee [4671], Jesus [2424], thou Son [5207] of the most high [5310] God [2316]? I adjure [3726] thee [4571] by God [2316], that thou torment [928] me [3165] not [3361].
Mr 5:8 C D T K For [1063] he said [3004] unto him [846], Come [1831] out of [1537] the man [444], thou unclean [169] spirit [4151].
Mr 5:9 C D T K And [2532] he asked [1905] him [846], What [5101] is thy [4671] name [3686]? And [2532] he answered [611], saying [3004], My [3427] name [3686] is Legion [3003]: for [3754] we are [2070] many [4183].
Mr 5:10 C D T K And [2532] he besought [3870] him [846] much [4183] that [3363] he would [649] not [3363] send [649] them [846] away [649] out of [1854] the country [5561].
Mr 5:11 C D T K Now [1161] there was [2258] there [1563] nigh [4314] unto the mountains [3735] a great [3173] herd [34] of swine [5519] feeding [1006].
Mr 5:12 C D T K And [2532] all [3956] the devils [1142] besought [3870] him [846], saying [3004], Send [3992] us [2248] into [1519] the swine [5519], that [2443] we may enter [1525] into [1519] them [846].
Mr 5:13 C D T K And [2532] forthwith [2112] Jesus [2424] gave [2010] them [846] leave [2010]. And [2532] the unclean [169] spirits [4151] went out [1831], and entered [1525] into [1519] the swine [5519]: and [2532] the herd [34] ran [3729] violently down [2596] a steep place [2911] into [1519] the sea [2281], [1161] (they were [2258] about [5613] two thousand [1367];) and [2532] were choked [4155] in [1722] the sea [2281].
Mr 5:14 C D T K And [1161] they that fed [1006] the swine [5519] fled [5343], and [2532] told [312] it in [1519] the city [4172], and [2532] in [1519] the country [68]. And [2532] they went out [1831] to see [1492] what [5101] it was [2076] that was done [1096].
Mr 5:15 C D T K And [2532] they come [2064] to [4314] Jesus [2424], and [2532] see [2334] him that was possessed with the devil [1139], and had [2192] the legion [3003], sitting [2521], and [2532] clothed [2439], and [2532] in his right mind [4993]: and [2532] they were afraid [5399].
Mr 5:16 C D T K And [2532] they that saw [1492] it told [1334] them [846] how [4459] it befell [1096] to him that was possessed with the devil [1139], and [2532] also concerning [4012] the swine [5519].
Mr 5:17 C T K And [2532] they began [756] to pray [3870] him [846] to depart [565] out of [575] their [846] coasts [3725].
Mr 5:18 C D T K And [2532] when he [846] was come [1684] into [1519] the ship [4143], he that had been possessed with the devil [1139] prayed [3870] him [846] that [2443] he might be [5600] with [3326] him [846].
Mr 5:19 C D T K Howbeit [1161] Jesus [2424] suffered [863] him [846] not [3756], but [235] saith [3004] unto him [846], Go [5217] home [1519] [3624] [4675] to [4314] thy friends [4674], and [2532] tell [312] them [846] how great things [3745] the Lord [2962] hath done [4160] for thee [4671], and [2532] hath had compassion [1653] on thee [4571].
Mr 5:20 C D T K And [2532] he departed [565], and [2532] began [756] to publish [2784] in [1722] Decapolis [1179] how great things [3745] Jesus [2424] had done [4160] for him [846]: and [2532] all [3956] men did marvel [2296].