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Selected Verse: Zechariah 14:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Zec 14:17 Strong Concordance And it shall be, that whoso will not come up [05927] of all the families [04940] of the earth [0776] unto Jerusalem [03389] to worship [07812] the King [04428], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], even upon them shall be no rain [01653].
  King James And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

ps 2:8-12 ps 110:5,6 isa 45:23 isa 60:12 jer 10:25
ro 14:10,11        
ge 10:32 ge 12:3 ge 28:14 am 3:2 ac 17:26,27
de 11:17 de 28:23,24 1ki 8:35 1ki 17:1 2ch 6:26
2ch 7:13 isa 5:6 jer 14:4,22 am 4:7,8 jas 5:17
re 11:6        

that - Ps 2:8-12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Ps 2:8 C D T K Ask [07592] of me, and I shall give [05414] thee the heathen [01471] for thine inheritance [05159], and the uttermost parts [0657] of the earth [0776] for thy possession [0272].
Ps 2:9 C D T K Thou shalt break [07489] them with a rod [07626] of iron [01270]; thou shalt dash them in pieces [05310] like a potter's [03335] vessel [03627].
Ps 2:10 C D T K Be wise [07919] now therefore, O ye kings [04428]: be instructed [03256], ye judges [08199] of the earth [0776].
Ps 2:11 C D T K Serve [05647] the LORD [03068] with fear [03374], and rejoice [01523] with trembling [07461].
Ps 2:12 C D T K Kiss [05401] the Son [01248], lest he be angry [0599], and ye perish [06] from the way [01870], when his wrath [0639] is kindled [01197] but a little [04592]. Blessed [0835] are all they that put their trust [02620] in him.