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Selected Verse: Hosea 4:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ho 4:12 Strong Concordance My people [05971] ask [07592] counsel at their stocks [06086], and their staff [04731] declareth [05046] unto them: for the spirit [07307] of whoredoms [02183] hath caused them to err [08582], and they have gone a whoring [02181] from under their God [0430].
  King James My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

jer 2:27 jer 10:8 eze 21:21 hab 2:19  
ho 5:4 isa 44:18-20 mic 2:11 2th 2:9-11  
ho 9:1 le 17:7 le 20:5 nu 15:39 de 31:16
2ch 21:13 ps 73:27 jer 3:1-3 eze 16:1-63 eze 23:1-49

ask - Jer 2:27 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Jer 2:27 C D T K Saying [0559] to a stock [06086], Thou art my father [01]; and to a stone [068], Thou hast brought me forth [03205]: for they have turned [06437] their back [06203] unto me, and not their face [06440]: but in the time [06256] of their trouble [07451] they will say [0559], Arise [06965], and save [03467] us.