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Selected Verse: Daniel 8:24 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Da 8:24 Strong Concordance And his power [03581] shall be mighty [06105], but not by his own power [03581]: and he shall destroy [07843] wonderfully [06381], and shall prosper [06743], and practise [06213], and shall destroy [07843] the mighty [06099] and the holy [06918] people [05971].
  King James And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

re 13:3-9 re 17:12,13,17      
shall prosper
da 8:12 da 11:36      
shall destroy
da 8:10,12 da 7:25 da 11:31-36 re 13:10 re 16:6
re 17:6 re 19:2      

but - Re 13:3-9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Re 13:3 C D T K And [2532] I saw [1492] one [3391] of his [846] heads [2776] as it were [5613] wounded [4969] to [1519] death [2288]; and [2532] his [846] deadly [2288] wound [4127] was healed [2323]: and [2532] all [3650] the world [1093] wondered [2296] [2296] after [3694] [1722] the beast [2342].
Re 13:4 C D T K And [2532] they worshipped [4352] the dragon [1404] which [3739] gave [1325] power [1849] unto the beast [2342]: and [2532] they worshipped [4352] the beast [2342], saying [3004], Who [5101] is like [3664] unto the beast [2342]? who [5101] is able [1410] to make war [4170] with [3326] him [846]?
Re 13:5 C D T K And [2532] there was given [1325] unto him [846] a mouth [4750] speaking [2980] great things [3173] and [2532] blasphemies [988]; and [2532] power [1849] was given [1325] unto him [846] to continue [4160] forty [5062] and two [1417] months [3376].
Re 13:6 C D T K And [2532] he opened [455] his [846] mouth [4750] in [1519] blasphemy [988] against [4314] God [2316], to blaspheme [987] his [846] name [3686], and [2532] his [846] tabernacle [4633], and [2532] them that dwell [4637] in [1722] heaven [3772].
Re 13:7 C D T K And [2532] it was given [1325] unto him [846] to make [4160] war [4171] with [3326] the saints [40], and [2532] to overcome [3528] them [846]: and [2532] power [1849] was given [1325] him [846] over [1909] all [3956] kindreds [5443], and [2532] tongues [1100], and [2532] nations [1484].
Re 13:8 C D T K And [2532] all [3956] that dwell [2730] upon [1909] the earth [1093] shall worship [4352] him [846], whose [3739] names [3686] are [1125] not [3756] written [1125] in [1722] the book [976] of life [2222] of the Lamb [721] slain [4969] from [575] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889].
Re 13:9 C D T K If any man [1536] have [2192] an ear [3775], let him hear [191].