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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 31:35 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 31:35 Strong Concordance Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], which giveth [05414] the sun [08121] for a light [0216] by day [03119], and the ordinances [02708] of the moon [03394] and of the stars [03556] for a light [0216] by night [03915], which divideth [07280] the sea [03220] when the waves [01530] thereof roar [01993]; The LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] is his name [08034]:
  King James Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

which giveth
ge 1:14-18 de 4:19 job 38:33 ps 19:1-6 ps 72:5,17
ps 74:16 ps 89:2,36,37 ps 119:89 ps 136:7-9 mt 5:45
which divideth
ex 14:21,22 job 26:12 ps 74:13 ps 78:13 ps 106:9
ps 114:3-5 isa 51:15 isa 63:12    
jer 5:22 job 38:10,11 ps 93:3,4 ps 107:25-29 isa 51:15
mt 8:25,26        
The Lord
jer 10:16 jer 32:18 jer 46:18 jer 50:34 jer 51:19
isa 48:2 isa 54:5      

which giveth - Ge 1:14-18 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Ge 1:14 C D T K And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:
Ge 1:15 C D T And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776]: and it was so.
Ge 1:16 C D T K And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
Ge 1:17 C D T K And God [0430] set [05414] them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776],
Ge 1:18 C D T And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].