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Selected Verse: Isaiah 13:19 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 13:19 Strong Concordance And Babylon [0894], the glory [06643] of kingdoms [04467], the beauty [08597] of the Chaldees [03778]' excellency [01347], shall be as when God [0430] overthrew [04114] Sodom [05467] and Gomorrah [06017].
  King James And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

isa 14:4-6,12-15 jer 51:41 da 2:37,38 da 4:30  
when God overthrow
ge 19:24 de 29:23 jer 49:18 jer 50:40 zep 2:9

Babylon - Isa 14:4-6,12-15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Isa 14:4 C D T K That thou shalt take up [05375] this proverb [04912] against the king [04428] of Babylon [0894], and say [0559], How hath the oppressor [05065] ceased [07673] ! the golden city [04062] ceased [07673] !
Isa 14:5 C D T K The LORD [03068] hath broken [07665] the staff [04294] of the wicked [07563], and the sceptre [07626] of the rulers [04910].
Isa 14:6 C D T K He who smote [05221] the people [05971] in wrath [05678] with a continual [01115] [05627] stroke [04347], he that ruled [07287] the nations [01471] in anger [0639], is persecuted [04783], and none [01097] hindereth [02820].
Isa 14:12 C D T K How art thou fallen [05307] from heaven [08064], O Lucifer [01966], son [01121] of the morning [07837] [03213] ! how art thou cut down [01438] to the ground [0776], which didst weaken [02522] the nations [01471]!
Isa 14:13 C D T K For thou hast said [0559] in thine heart [03824], I will ascend [05927] into heaven [08064], I will exalt [07311] my throne [03678] above [04605] the stars [03556] of God [0410]: I will sit [03427] also upon the mount [02022] of the congregation [04150], in the sides [03411] of the north [06828]:
Isa 14:14 C D T K I will ascend [05927] above the heights [01116] of the clouds [05645]; I will be like [01819] the most High [05945].
Isa 14:15 C D T K Yet thou shalt be brought down [03381] to hell [07585], to the sides [03411] of the pit [0953].