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Selected Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Ch 1:7 Strong Concordance In that night [03915] did God [0430] appear [07200] unto Solomon [08010], and said [0559] unto him, Ask [07592] what I shall give [05414] thee.
  King James In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

In that night
1ki 3:5-15 pr 3:5,6      
mt 7:7,8 mr 10:36,37,51 joh 16:23 1jo 5:14,15  

In that night - 1Ki 3:5-15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
1Ki 3:5 C D T K In Gibeon [01391] the LORD [03068] appeared [07200] to Solomon [08010] in a dream [02472] by night [03915]: and God [0430] said [0559], Ask [07592] what I shall give [05414] thee.
1Ki 3:6 C D T K And Solomon [08010] said [0559], Thou hast shewed [06213] unto thy servant [05650] David [01732] my father [01] great [01419] mercy [02617], according as he walked [01980] before [06440] thee in truth [0571], and in righteousness [06666], and in uprightness [03483] of heart [03824] with thee; and thou hast kept [08104] for him this great [01419] kindness [02617], that thou hast given [05414] him a son [01121] to sit [03427] on his throne [03678], as it is this day [03117].
1Ki 3:7 C D T K And now, O LORD [03068] my God [0430], thou hast made thy servant [05650] king [04427] instead of David [01732] my father [01]: and I am but a little [06996] child [05288]: I know [03045] not how to go out [03318] or come in [0935].
1Ki 3:8 C D T K And thy servant [05650] is in the midst [08432] of thy people [05971] which thou hast chosen [0977], a great [07227] people [05971], that cannot be numbered [04487] nor counted [05608] for multitude [07230].
1Ki 3:9 C D T K Give [05414] therefore thy servant [05650] an understanding [08085] heart [03820] to judge [08199] thy people [05971], that I may discern [0995] between good [02896] and bad [07451]: for who is able [03201] to judge [08199] this thy so great [03515] a people [05971]?
1Ki 3:10 C D T K And the speech [01697] pleased [03190] [05869] the Lord [0136], that Solomon [08010] had asked [07592] this thing [01697].
1Ki 3:11 C D T K And God [0430] said [0559] unto him, Because thou hast asked [07592] this thing [01697], and hast not asked [07592] for thyself long [07227] life [03117]; neither hast asked [07592] riches [06239] for thyself, nor hast asked [07592] the life [05315] of thine enemies [0341]; but hast asked [07592] for thyself understanding [0995] to discern [08085] judgment [04941];
1Ki 3:12 C D T K Behold, I have done [06213] according to thy words [01697]: lo, I have given [05414] thee a wise [02450] and an understanding [0995] heart [03820]; so that there was none like thee before [06440] thee, neither after [0310] thee shall any arise [06965] like unto thee.
1Ki 3:13 C T K And I have also given [05414] thee that which thou hast not asked [07592], both riches [06239], and honour [03519]: so that there shall not be any [0376] among the kings [04428] like unto thee all thy days [03117].
1Ki 3:14 C D T K And if thou wilt walk [03212] in my ways [01870], to keep [08104] my statutes [02706] and my commandments [04687], as thy father [01] David [01732] did walk [01980], then I will lengthen [0748] thy days [03117].
1Ki 3:15 C D T K And Solomon [08010] awoke [03364]; and, behold, it was a dream [02472]. And he came [0935] to Jerusalem [03389], and stood [05975] before [06440] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], and offered up [05927] burnt offerings [05930], and offered [06213] peace offerings [08002], and made [06213] a feast [04960] to all his servants [05650].