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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 12:21 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 12:21 Strong Concordance And they helped [05826] David [01732] against the band [01416] of the rovers: for they were all mighty men [01368] of valour [02428], and were captains [08269] in the host [06635].
  King James And they helped David against the band of the rovers: for they were all mighty men of valour, and were captains in the host.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

against the band
1sa 30:1-17        
mighty men
1ch 12:20 1ch 5:24 1ch 11:10,21,22    

against the band - 1Sa 30:1-17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
1Sa 30:1 C D T K And it came to pass, when David [01732] and his men [0582] were come [0935] to Ziklag [06860] on the third [07992] day [03117], that the Amalekites [06003] had invaded [06584] the south [05045], and Ziklag [06860], and smitten [05221] Ziklag [06860], and burned [08313] it with fire [0784];
1Sa 30:2 C D T K And had taken the women [0802] captives [07617], that were therein: they slew [04191] not any [0376], either great [01419] or small [06996], but carried them away [05090], and went [03212] on their way [01870].
1Sa 30:3 C D T K So David [01732] and his men [0582] came [0935] to the city [05892], and, behold, it was burned [08313] with fire [0784]; and their wives [0802], and their sons [01121], and their daughters [01323], were taken captives [07617].
1Sa 30:4 C D T Then David [01732] and the people [05971] that were with him lifted up [05375] their voice [06963] and wept [01058], until they had no more power [03581] to weep [01058].
1Sa 30:5 C D T And David's [01732] two [08147] wives [0802] were taken captives [07617], Ahinoam [0293] the Jezreelitess [03159], and Abigail [026] the wife [0802] of Nabal [05037] the Carmelite [03761].
1Sa 30:6 C D T K And David [01732] was greatly [03966] distressed [03334]; for the people [05971] spake [0559] of stoning [05619] him, because the soul [05315] of all the people [05971] was grieved [04843], every man [0376] for his sons [01121] and for his daughters [01323]: but David [01732] encouraged [02388] himself in the LORD [03068] his God [0430].
1Sa 30:7 C D T K And David [01732] said [0559] to Abiathar [054] the priest [03548], Ahimelech's [0288] son [01121], I pray thee, bring me hither [05066] the ephod [0646]. And Abiathar [054] brought [05066] thither the ephod [0646] to David [01732].
1Sa 30:8 C D T And David [01732] enquired [07592] at the LORD [03068], saying [0559], Shall I pursue [07291] after [0310] this troop [01416]? shall I overtake [05381] them? And he answered [0559] him, Pursue [07291]: for thou shalt surely [05381] overtake [05381] them, and without fail [05337] recover [05337] all.
1Sa 30:9 C D T K So David [01732] went [03212], he and the six [08337] hundred [03967] men [0376] that were with him, and came [0935] to the brook [05158] Besor [01308], where those that were left behind [03498] stayed [05975].
1Sa 30:10 C D T But David [01732] pursued [07291], he and four [0702] hundred [03967] men [0376]: for two hundred [03967] abode behind [05975], which were so faint [06296] that they could not go over [05674] the brook [05158] Besor [01308].
1Sa 30:11 C D T K And they found [04672] an Egyptian [0376] [04713] in the field [07704], and brought [03947] him to David [01732], and gave [05414] him bread [03899], and he did eat [0398]; and they made him drink [08248] water [04325];
1Sa 30:12 C D T K And they gave [05414] him a piece [06400] of a cake [01690] of figs, and two [08147] clusters of raisins [06778]: and when he had eaten [0398], his spirit [07307] came again [07725] to him: for he had eaten [0398] no bread [03899], nor drunk [08354] any water [04325], three [07969] days [03117] and three [07969] nights [03915].
1Sa 30:13 C D T And David [01732] said [0559] unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said [0559], I am a young man [05288] of Egypt [04713], servant [05650] to an Amalekite [0376] [06003]; and my master [0113] left [05800] me, because three [07969] days [03117] agone I fell sick [02470].
1Sa 30:14 C D T K We made an invasion [06584] upon the south [05045] of the Cherethites [03774], and upon the coast which belongeth to Judah [03063], and upon the south [05045] of Caleb [03612]; and we burned [08313] Ziklag [06860] with fire [0784].
1Sa 30:15 C D T K And David [01732] said [0559] to him, Canst thou bring me down [03381] to this company [01416]? And he said [0559], Swear [07650] unto me by God [0430], that thou wilt neither kill [04191] me, nor [0518] deliver [05462] me into the hands [03027] of my master [0113], and I will bring thee down [03381] to this company [01416].
1Sa 30:16 C D T K And when he had brought him down [03381], behold, they were spread abroad [05203] upon all [06440] the earth [0776], eating [0398] and drinking [08354], and dancing [02287], because of all the great [01419] spoil [07998] that they had taken [03947] out of the land [0776] of the Philistines [06430], and out of the land [0776] of Judah [03063].
1Sa 30:17 C D T And David [01732] smote [05221] them from the twilight [05399] even unto the evening [06153] of the next day [04283]: and there escaped [04422] not a man [0376] of them, save four [0702] hundred [03967] young [05288] men [0376], which rode [07392] upon camels [01581], and fled [05127].