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Selected Verse: 1 Kings 22:48 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ki 22:48 Strong Concordance Jehoshaphat [03092] made [06213] [06240] ships [0591] of Tharshish [08659] to go [03212] to Ophir [0211] for gold [02091]: but they went [01980] not; for the ships [0591] were broken [07665] at Eziongeber [06100].
  King James Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they went not; for the ships were broken at Eziongeber.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

2ch 20:35,36-21        
made ships
1ki 10:22 2ch 9:21 ps 48:7 isa 2:16 isa 60:9
jon 1:3        
to Ophir
1ki 9:28 ps 45:9      
they went not
2ch 20:37 2ch 25:7      
1ki 9:26 nu 33:35,36      

Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 20:35,36-21 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
2Ch 20:21 C D T K And when he had consulted [03289] with the people [05971], he appointed [05975] singers [07891] unto the LORD [03068], and that should praise [01984] the beauty [01927] of holiness [06944], as they went out [03318] before [06440] the army [02502], and to say [0559], Praise [03034] the LORD [03068]; for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769].
2Ch 20:35 C D T K And after [0310] this did Jehoshaphat [03092] king [04428] of Judah [03063] join [02266] himself with Ahaziah [0274] king [04428] of Israel [03478], who did [06213] very wickedly [07561]:
2Ch 20:36 C D T And he joined [02266] himself with him to make [06213] ships [0591] to go [03212] to Tarshish [08659]: and they made [06213] the ships [0591] in Eziongeber [06100].