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Selected Verse: Genesis 2:19 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ge 2:19 Strong Concordance And out of the ground [0127] the LORD [03068] God [0430] formed [03335] every beast [02416] of the field [07704], and every fowl [05775] of the air [08064]; and brought [0935] them unto Adam [0120] to see [07200] what he would call [07121] them: and whatsoever Adam [0120] called [07121] every living [02416] creature [05315], that [01931] was the name thereof [08034].
  King James And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

Summary of TSK Words/Phrases Associated With The Selected Verse

And out
ge 1:20-25        
ge 2:22,23 ge 1:26,28 ge 6:20 ge 9:2 ps 8:4-8

And out - Ge 1:20-25 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Other Content       Text
Ge 1:20 C D T K And God [0430] said [0559], Let the waters [04325] bring forth abundantly [08317] the moving creature [08318] that hath [05315] life [02416], and fowl [05775] that may fly [05774] above [05921] the earth [0776] in the open [06440] firmament [07549] of heaven [08064].
Ge 1:21 C D T K And God [0430] created [01254] great [01419] whales [08577], and every living [02416] creature [05315] that moveth [07430], which the waters [04325] brought forth abundantly [08317], after their kind [04327], and every winged [03671] fowl [05775] after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
Ge 1:22 C D T And God [0430] blessed [01288] them, saying [0559], Be fruitful [06509], and multiply [07235], and fill [04390] the waters [04325] in the seas [03220], and let fowl [05775] multiply [07235] in the earth [0776].
Ge 1:23 C D T And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the fifth [02549] day [03117].
Ge 1:24 C D T K And God [0430] said [0559], Let the earth [0776] bring forth [03318] the living [02416] creature [05315] after his kind [04327], cattle [0929], and creeping thing [07431], and beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327]: and it was so.
Ge 1:25 C D T And God [0430] made [06213] the beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327], and cattle [0929] after their kind [04327], and every thing that creepeth [07431] upon the earth [0127] after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].