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Verse You Selected: Judges 12:6 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
Jud 12:6 King James Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
  Strong Concordance Then said [0559] they unto him, Say [0559] now Shibboleth [07641]: and he said [0559] Sibboleth [05451]: for he could not frame [03559] to pronounce [01696] it right [03559]. Then they took [0270] him, and slew [07819] him at the passages [04569] of Jordan [03383]: and there fell [05307] at that time [06256] of the Ephraimites [0669] forty [0705] and two [08147] thousand [0505].
Hebrew For 1696
Word dabar
Pronunciation daw-bar'
Definition a primitive root; perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue:

answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, well, work.
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Jos 14:6 C D T R K Then the children of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal : and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite said unto him, Thou knowest the thing that the LORD said [01696] unto Moses the man of God concerning me and thee in Kadeshbarnea.
Jos 14:10 C D T R K And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said [01696], these forty and five years, even since the LORD spake [01696] this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness : and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.
Jos 14:12 C D T R K Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake [01696] in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced : if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said [01696].
Jos 17:14 C D T R K And the children of Joseph spake [01696] unto Joshua, saying, Why hast thou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit, seeing I am a great people, forasmuch as the LORD hath blessed me hitherto?
Jos 20:1 C D T R K The LORD also spake [01696] unto Joshua, saying,
Jos 20:2 C D T R Speak [01696] to the children of Israel, saying, Appoint out for you cities of refuge, whereof I spake [01696] unto you by the hand of Moses :
Jos 20:4 C D T R K And when he that doth flee unto one of those cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city, and shall declare [01696] his cause in the ears of the elders of that city, they shall take him into the city unto them, and give him a place, that he may dwell among them.
Jos 21:2 C D T R And they spake [01696] unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with the suburbs thereof for our cattle.
Jos 21:45 C D T R There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken [01696] unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.
Jos 22:4 C D T R K And now the LORD your God hath given rest unto your brethren, as he promised [01696] them: therefore now return ye, and get you unto your tents, and unto the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave you on the other side Jordan.
Jos 22:15 C D T R And they came unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasseh, unto the land of Gilead, and they spake [01696] with them, saying,
Jos 22:21 C D T R K Then the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered, and said [01696] unto the heads of the thousands of Israel,
Jos 22:30 C D T R And when Phinehas the priest, and the princes of the congregation and heads of the thousands of Israel which were with him, heard the words that the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh spake [01696], it pleased them.
Jos 23:5 C D T R K And the LORD your God, he shall expel them from before you, and drive them from out of your sight; and ye shall possess their land, as the LORD your God hath promised [01696] unto you.
Jos 23:10 C D T R One man of you shall chase a thousand : for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised [01696] you.
Jos 23:14 C D T R And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth : and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake [01696] concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.
Jos 23:15 C D T R Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your God promised [01696] you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until he have destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Jos 24:27 C D T R And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words of the LORD which he spake [01696] unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God.
Jud 1:20 C D T R And they gave Hebron unto Caleb, as Moses said [01696]: and he expelled thence the three sons of Anak.
Jud 2:4 C D T R K And it came to pass, when the angel of the LORD spake [01696] these words unto all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.
Jud 2:15 C D T R Whithersoever they went out, the hand of the LORD was against them for evil, as the LORD had said [01696], and as the LORD had sworn unto them: and they were greatly distressed.
Jud 5:12 C D T R K Awake, awake, Deborah : awake, awake, utter [01696] a song : arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam.
Jud 6:17 C D T R K And he said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, then shew me a sign that thou talkest [01696] with me.
Jud 6:27 C D T R K Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as the LORD had said [01696] unto him: and so it was, because he feared his father's household, and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did it by night.
Jud 6:36 C D T R K And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said [01696],
Jud 6:37 C D T R K Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor; and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said [01696].
Jud 6:39 C D T R And Gideon said unto God, Let not thine anger be hot against me, and I will speak [01696] but this once : let me prove, I pray thee, but this once with the fleece; let it now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all the ground let there be dew.
Jud 7:11 C D T R K And thou shalt hear what they say [01696]; and afterward shall thine hands be strengthened to go down unto the host. Then went he down with Phurah his servant unto the outside of the armed men that were in the host.
Jud 8:3 C D T R God hath delivered into your hands the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb : and what was I able to do in comparison of you? Then their anger was abated toward him, when he had said that [01696].
Jud 8:8 C D T R K And he went up thence to Penuel, and spake [01696] unto them likewise : and the men of Penuel answered him as the men of Succoth had answered him.
Jud 9:1 C D T R K And Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem unto his mother's brethren, and communed [01696] with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying,
Jud 9:2 C D T R K Speak [01696], I pray you, in the ears of all the men of Shechem, Whether is better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, which are threescore and ten persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? remember also that I am your bone and your flesh.
Jud 9:3 C D T R K And his mother's brethren spake [01696] of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem all these words : and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech; for they said, He is our brother.
Jud 9:37 C D T R K And Gaal spake [01696] again and said, See there come people down by the middle of the land, and another company come along by the plain of Meonenim.
Jud 11:11 C D T R K Then Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and captain over them: and Jephthah uttered [01696] all his words before the LORD in Mizpeh.
Jud 12:6 C D T R K Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth : and he said Sibboleth : for he could not frame to pronounce [01696] it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan : and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
Jud 13:11 C D T K And Manoah arose, and went after his wife, and came to the man, and said unto him, Art thou the man that spakest [01696] unto the woman? And he said, I am.
Jud 14:7 C D T K And he went down, and talked [01696] with the woman; and she pleased Samson well.
Jud 15:17 C D T K And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking [01696], that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi.
Jud 16:10 C D T R K And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou hast mocked me, and told [01696] me lies : now tell me, I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound.
Jud 16:13 C D T K And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told [01696] me lies : tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.
Jud 19:3 C D T R K And her husband arose, and went after her, to speak [01696] friendly unto her, and to bring her again, having his servant with him, and a couple of asses : and she brought him into her father's house : and when the father of the damsel saw him, he rejoiced to meet him.
Jud 19:30 C D T R And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day : consider of it, take advice, and speak [01696] your minds.
Jud 20:3 C D T R K (Now the children of Benjamin heard that the children of Israel were gone up to Mizpeh.) Then said the children of Israel, Tell [01696] us, how was this wickedness?
Jud 21:13 C D T R And the whole congregation sent some to speak [01696] to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them.
Ru 1:18 C T R When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking [01696] unto her.
Ru 2:13 C D T R Then she said, Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken [01696] friendly unto thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens.
Ru 4:1 C D T R K Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake [01696] came by; unto whom he said, Ho, such a one! turn aside, sit down here. And he turned aside, and sat down.
1Sa 1:13 C D T R Now Hannah, she spake [01696] in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard : therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.
1Sa 1:16 C D T R Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial : for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken [01696] hitherto.
1Sa 2:3 C D T R Talk [01696] no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth : for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
1Sa 3:9 C D T R Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down : and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak [01696], LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
1Sa 3:10 C D T R K And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak [01696]; for thy servant heareth.
1Sa 3:12 C D T R K In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken [01696] concerning his house : when I begin, I will also make an end.
1Sa 3:17 C D T R And he said, What is the thing that the LORD hath said [01696] unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said [01696] unto thee.
1Sa 4:20 C D T R And about the time of her death the women that stood by her said [01696] unto her, Fear not; for thou hast born a son. But she answered not, neither did she regard it.
1Sa 8:21 C D T R And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed [01696] them in the ears of the LORD.
1Sa 9:6 C D T R K And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man; all that he saith [01696] cometh surely to pass : now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go.
1Sa 9:21 C D T R K And Saul answered and said, Am not I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? wherefore then speakest [01696] thou so to me?
1Sa 9:25 C D T R K And when they were come down from the high place into the city, Samuel communed [01696] with Saul upon the top of the house.
1Sa 10:25 C D T R K Then Samuel told [01696] the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the LORD. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house.
1Sa 11:4 C D T R K Then came the messengers to Gibeah of Saul, and told [01696] the tidings in the ears of the people : and all the people lifted up their voices, and wept.
1Sa 14:19 C D T R K And it came to pass, while Saul talked [01696] unto the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased : and Saul said unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand.
1Sa 15:16 C D T R K Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the LORD hath said [01696] to me this night. And he said unto him, Say on [01696].
1Sa 16:4 C D T R K And Samuel did that which the LORD spake [01696], and came to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, Comest thou peaceably?
1Sa 17:23 C D T And as he talked [01696] with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, and spake [01696] according to the same words : and David heard them.
1Sa 17:28 C D T R K And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake [01696] unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle.
1Sa 17:31 C D T R And when the words were heard which David spake [01696], they rehearsed them before Saul : and he sent for him.
1Sa 18:1 C D T R K And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking [01696] unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.
1Sa 18:22 C D T R And Saul commanded his servants, saying, Commune [01696] with David secretly, and say, Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants love thee: now therefore be the king's son in law.
1Sa 18:23 C D T R K And Saul's servants spake [01696] those words in the ears of David. And David said, Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a king's son in law, seeing that I am a poor man, and lightly esteemed?
1Sa 18:24 C D T And the servants of Saul told him, saying, On this manner spake [01696] David.
1Sa 19:1 C D T K And Saul spake [01696] to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill David.
1Sa 19:3 C D T R And I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where thou art, and I will commune [01696] with my father of thee; and what I see, that I will tell thee.
1Sa 19:4 C D T R K And Jonathan spake [01696] good of David unto Saul his father, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-ward very good :
1Sa 20:23 C D T R K And as touching the matter which thou and I have spoken [01696] of, behold, the LORD be between thee and me for ever.
1Sa 20:26 C D T R K Nevertheless Saul spake [01696] not any thing that day : for he thought, Something hath befallen him, he is not clean; surely he is not clean.
1Sa 24:16 C D T R And it came to pass, when David had made an end of speaking [01696] these words unto Saul, that Saul said, Is this thy voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.
1Sa 25:9 C D T R And when David's young men came, they spake [01696] to Nabal according to all those words in the name of David, and ceased.
1Sa 25:17 C D T R Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household : for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak [01696] to him.
1Sa 25:24 C D T R And fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak [01696] in thine audience, and hear the words of thine handmaid.
1Sa 25:30 C D T R And it shall come to pass, when the LORD shall have done to my lord according to all the good that he hath spoken [01696] concerning thee, and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel;
1Sa 25:39 C D T R K And when David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be the LORD, that hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and hath kept his servant from evil : for the LORD hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head. And David sent and communed [01696] with Abigail, to take her to him to wife.
1Sa 25:40 C D T R K And when the servants of David were come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake [01696] unto her, saying, David sent us unto thee, to take thee to him to wife.
1Sa 28:17 C D T R K And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake [01696] by me : for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David :
1Sa 28:21 C D T R And the woman came unto Saul, and saw that he was sore troubled, and said unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest [01696] unto me.
2Sa 2:27 C D T R K And Joab said, As God liveth, unless thou hadst spoken [01696], surely then in the morning the people had gone up every one from following his brother.
2Sa 3:19 C D T R And Abner also spake [01696] in the ears of Benjamin : and Abner went also to speak [01696] in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel, and that seemed good to the whole house of Benjamin.
2Sa 3:27 C D T R And when Abner was returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside in the gate to speak [01696] with him quietly, and smote him there under the fifth rib, that he died, for the blood of Asahel his brother.
2Sa 7:7 C D T R K In all the places wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spake [01696] I a word with any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people Israel, saying, Why build ye not me an house of cedar?
2Sa 7:17 C D T R According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak [01696] unto David.
2Sa 7:19 C D T R K And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord GOD; but thou hast spoken [01696] also of thy servant's house for a great while to come. And is this the manner of man, O Lord GOD?
2Sa 7:20 C D T R K And what can David say [01696] more unto thee? for thou, Lord GOD, knowest thy servant.
2Sa 7:25 C D T R And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken [01696] concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said [01696].
2Sa 7:28 C D T R And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised [01696] this goodness unto thy servant :
2Sa 7:29 C D T R Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee: for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken [01696] it: and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever.
2Sa 11:19 C D T And charged the messenger, saying, When thou hast made an end of telling [01696] the matters of the war unto the king,
2Sa 12:18 C D T R And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead : for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake [01696] unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice : how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?
2Sa 13:13 C D T R K And I, whither shall I cause my shame to go? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, I pray thee, speak [01696] unto the king; for he will not withhold me from thee.
2Sa 13:22 C D T R And Absalom spake [01696] unto his brother Amnon neither good nor bad : for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had forced his sister Tamar.
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