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Verse You Selected: Deuteronomy 3:19 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
De 3:19 King James But your wives, and your little ones, and your cattle, (for I know that ye have much cattle,) shall abide in your cities which I have given you;
  Strong Concordance But your wives [0802], and your little ones [02945], and your cattle [04735], (for I know [03045] that ye have much [07227] cattle [04735],) shall abide [03427] in your cities [05892] which I have given [05414] you;
Hebrew For 802
Word 'ishshah
Pronunciation ish-shaw'
Definition feminine of 376 or 582; irregular plural, nashiym {naw-sheem'}; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 582):

(adulter)ess, each, every, female, many, none, one, together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English.
Root(s) 376  582  582  
Verse Occurrences 686
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Ge 28:1 C D T R K And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shalt not take a wife [0802] of the daughters of Canaan.
Ge 28:2 C D T R Arise, go to Padanaram, to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father; and take thee a wife [0802] from thence of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother.
Ge 28:6 C D T R K When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent him away to Padanaram, to take him a wife [0802] from thence; and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife [0802] of the daughters of Canaan;
Ge 28:9 C D T R K Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives [0802] which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife [0802].
Ge 29:21 C D T R K And Jacob said unto Laban, Give me my wife [0802], for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her.
Ge 29:28 C D T K And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week : and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife [0802] also.
Ge 30:4 C D T R And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife [0802]: and Jacob went in unto her.
Ge 30:9 C D T R When Leah saw that she had left bearing, she took Zilpah her maid, and gave her Jacob to wife [0802].
Ge 30:26 C D T R Give me my wives [0802] and my children, for whom I have served thee, and let me go : for thou knowest my service which I have done thee.
Ge 31:17 C D T R K Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives [0802] upon camels;
Ge 31:35 C D T R And she said to her father, Let it not displease my lord that I cannot rise up before thee; for the custom of women [0802] is upon me. And he searched, but found not the images.
Ge 31:50 C D T R If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or if thou shalt take other wives [0802] beside my daughters, no man is with us; see, God is witness betwixt me and thee.
Ge 32:22 C D T R K And he rose up that night, and took his two wives [0802], and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok.
Ge 33:5 C D T R K And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women [0802] and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant.
Ge 34:4 C D T R And Shechem spake unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel to wife [0802].
Ge 34:8 C D T R K And Hamor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter : I pray you give her him to wife [0802].
Ge 34:12 C D T R K Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife [0802].
Ge 34:21 C D T These men are peaceable with us; therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives [0802], and let us give them our daughters.
Ge 34:29 C D T And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives [0802] took they captive, and spoiled even all that was in the house.
Ge 36:2 C D T R K Esau took his wives [0802] of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite;
Ge 36:6 C D T R K And Esau took his wives [0802], and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob.
Ge 36:10 C D T R These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife [0802] of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife [0802] of Esau.
Ge 36:12 C D T R K And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau's son; and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek : these were the sons of Adah Esau's wife [0802].
Ge 36:13 C D T R And these are the sons of Reuel; Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah : these were the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife [0802].
Ge 36:14 C D T R And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon, Esau's wife [0802]: and she bare to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.
Ge 36:17 C D T R And these are the sons of Reuel Esau's son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah : these are the dukes that came of Reuel in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife [0802].
Ge 36:18 C D T R And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau's wife [0802]; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah : these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau's wife [0802].
Ge 36:39 C D T R And Baalhanan the son of Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Pau; and his wife's [0802] name was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab.
Ge 37:2 C D T R K These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives [0802]: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
Ge 38:6 C D T R And Judah took a wife [0802] for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar.
Ge 38:8 C D T R K And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife [0802], and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
Ge 38:9 C D T R And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife [0802], that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
Ge 38:12 C D T R K And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife [0802] died; and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.
Ge 38:14 C D T R And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife [0802].
Ge 38:20 C D T R And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's [0802] hand : but he found her not.
Ge 39:7 C D T R K And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife [0802] cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me.
Ge 39:8 C D T R But he refused, and said unto his master's wife [0802], Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand;
Ge 39:9 C D T R K There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife [0802]: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?
Ge 39:19 C D T R And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife [0802], which she spake unto him, saying, After this manner did thy servant to me; that his wrath was kindled.
Ge 41:45 C D T R K And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah; and he gave him to wife [0802] Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On. And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.
Ge 44:27 C D T R And thy servant my father said unto us, Ye know that my wife [0802] bare me two sons:
Ge 45:19 C D T R Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives [0802], and bring your father, and come.
Ge 46:5 C D T R K And Jacob rose up from Beersheba : and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives [0802], in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him.
Ge 46:19 C D T R The sons of Rachel Jacob's wife [0802]; Joseph, and Benjamin.
Ge 46:26 C D T R K All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons ' wives [0802], all the souls were threescore and six;
Ge 49:31 C D T R There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife [0802]; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife [0802]; and there I buried Leah.
Ex 1:19 C D T R And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women [0802] are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.
Ex 2:2 C D T R K And the woman [0802] conceived, and bare a son : and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.
Ex 2:7 C D T R Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women [0802], that she may nurse the child for thee?
Ex 2:9 C D T And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman [0802] took the child, and nursed it.
Ex 3:22 C D T R K But every woman [0802] shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment : and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.
Ex 4:20 C D T R K And Moses took his wife [0802] and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt : and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.
Ex 6:20 C D T R K And Amram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife [0802]; and she bare him Aaron and Moses : and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred and thirty and seven years.
Ex 6:23 C D T R K And Aaron took him Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, sister of Naashon, to wife [0802]; and she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
Ex 6:25 C D T R And Eleazar Aaron's son took him one of the daughters of Putiel to wife [0802]; and she bare him Phinehas : these are the heads of the fathers of the Levites according to their families.
Ex 11:2 C D T R K Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman [0802] of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold.
Ex 15:20 C D T R K And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women [0802] went out after her with timbrels and with dances.
Ex 18:2 C D T R Then Jethro, Moses ' father in law, took Zipporah, Moses ' wife [0802], after he had sent her back,
Ex 18:5 C D T R K And Jethro, Moses ' father in law, came with his sons and his wife [0802] unto Moses into the wilderness, where he encamped at the mount of God :
Ex 18:6 C D T K And he said unto Moses, I thy father in law Jethro am come unto thee, and thy wife [0802], and her two sons with her.
Ex 19:15 C D T R And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day : come not at your wives [0802].
Ex 20:17 C D T R Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife [0802], nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Ex 21:3 C D T R K If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself : if he were married [0802], then his wife [0802] shall go out with him.
Ex 21:4 C D T If his master have given him a wife [0802], and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife [0802] and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself.
Ex 21:5 C D T R And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife [0802], and my children; I will not go out free :
Ex 21:22 C D T R K If men strive, and hurt a woman [0802] with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow : he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's [0802] husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
Ex 21:28 C D T R K If an ox gore a man or a woman [0802], that they die : then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall be quit.
Ex 21:29 C D T R But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman [0802]; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.
Ex 22:16 C D T R K And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife [0802].
Ex 22:24 C D T R And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives [0802] shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
Ex 26:3 C T R K The five curtains shall be coupled together one [0802] to another; and other five curtains shall be coupled one [0802] to another.
Ex 26:5 C D T Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second; that the loops may take hold one [0802] of another.
Ex 26:6 C D T R K And thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, and couple the curtains together with [0802] the taches : and it shall be one tabernacle.
Ex 26:17 C D T R Two tenons shall there be in one board, set in order one [0802] against another : thus shalt thou make for all the boards of the tabernacle.
Ex 32:2 C D T R K And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives [0802], of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.
Ex 35:22 C D T R K And they came, both men and women [0802], as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold : and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.
Ex 35:25 C D T R And all the women [0802] that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen.
Ex 35:26 C D T R And all the women [0802] whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats ' hair.
Ex 35:29 C D T R The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman [0802], whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses.
Ex 36:6 C D T And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman [0802] make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing.
Le 12:2 C D T R K Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman [0802] have conceived seed, and born a man child : then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.
Le 13:29 C D T R If a man or woman [0802] have a plague upon the head or the beard;
Le 13:38 C D T K If a man also or a woman [0802] have in the skin of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots;
Le 15:18 C D T R The woman [0802] also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.
Le 15:19 C D T R K And if a woman [0802] have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days : and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.
Le 15:25 C D T R And if a woman [0802] have an issue of her blood many days out of the time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her separation; all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her separation : she shall be unclean.
Le 18:8 C D T R K The nakedness of thy father's wife [0802] shalt thou not uncover : it is thy father's nakedness.
Le 18:11 C D T The nakedness of thy father's wife's [0802] daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
Le 18:14 C D T R Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife [0802]: she is thine aunt.
Le 18:15 C D T R Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law : she is thy son's wife [0802]; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
Le 18:16 C D T R K Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife [0802]: it is thy brother's nakedness.
Le 18:17 C D T R Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman [0802] and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen : it is wickedness.
Le 18:18 C D T R K Neither shalt thou take a wife [0802] to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.
Le 18:19 C D T R Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman [0802] to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.
Le 18:20 C D T R Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife [0802], to defile thyself with her.
Le 18:22 C D T R Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind [0802]: it is abomination.
Le 18:23 C D T R Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman [0802] stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
Le 19:20 C D T R K And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman [0802], that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.
Le 20:10 C D T R And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife [0802], even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife [0802], the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
Le 20:11 C D T R And the man that lieth with his father's wife [0802] hath uncovered his father's nakedness : both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
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