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Verse You Selected: Deuteronomy 18:16 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
De 18:16 King James According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.
  Strong Concordance According to all that thou desiredst [07592] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] in Horeb [02722] in the day [03117] of the assembly [06951], saying [0559], Let me not hear [08085] again [03254] the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] my God [0430], neither let me see [07200] this great [01419] fire [0784] any more, that I die [04191] not.
Hebrew For 1419
Word gadowl
Pronunciation gaw-dole'
Definition or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'}; from 1431; great (in any sense); hence, older; also insolent:

aloud, elder(-est), exceeding(-ly), far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing,-er,-ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, sore, ( ) very.
Root(s) 1431  
Verse Occurrences 499
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Jos 7:9 C D T R K For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth : and what wilt thou do unto thy great [01419] name?
Jos 7:26 C D T R K And they raised over him a great [01419] heap of stones unto this day. So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger. Wherefore the name of that place was called, The valley of Achor, unto this day.
Jos 8:29 C D T R K And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide : and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great [01419] heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.
Jos 9:1 C D T R K And it came to pass, when all the kings which were on this side Jordan, in the hills, and in the valleys, and in all the coasts of the great [01419] sea over against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, heard thereof;
Jos 10:2 C D T R K That they feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great [01419] city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater [01419] than Ai, and all the men thereof were mighty.
Jos 10:10 C D T R K And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great [01419] slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah.
Jos 10:11 C D T R K And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great [01419] stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died : they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
Jos 10:18 C D T R And Joshua said, Roll great [01419] stones upon the mouth of the cave, and set men by it for to keep them:
Jos 10:20 C D T R And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of Israel had made an end of slaying them with a very great [01419] slaughter, till they were consumed, that the rest which remained of them entered into fenced cities.
Jos 10:27 C D T R And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great [01419] stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.
Jos 14:12 C D T R K Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great [01419] and fenced : if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
Jos 14:15 C D T R K And the name of Hebron before was Kirjatharba; which Arba was a great [01419] man among the Anakims. And the land had rest from war.
Jos 15:12 C D T R And the west border was to the great [01419] sea, and the coast thereof. This is the coast of the children of Judah round about according to their families.
Jos 15:47 C D T R Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, unto the river of Egypt, and the great [01419] sea, and the border thereof:
Jos 17:17 C D T K And Joshua spake unto the house of Joseph, even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, Thou art a great people, and hast great [01419] power : thou shalt not have one lot only:
Jos 20:6 C D T R K And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high [01419] priest that shall be in those days : then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.
Jos 22:10 C D T R K And when they came unto the borders of Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by Jordan, a great [01419] altar to see to.
Jos 23:4 C D T R Behold, I have divided unto you by lot these nations that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes, from Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off, even unto the great [01419] sea westward.
Jos 23:9 C D T R For the LORD hath driven out from before you great [01419] nations and strong : but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you unto this day.
Jos 24:17 C D T R For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great [01419] signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed :
Jos 24:26 C D T R K And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great [01419] stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.
Jud 2:7 C D T R K And the people served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great [01419] works of the LORD, that he did for Israel.
Jud 5:15 C D T R K And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak : he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben there were great [01419] thoughts of heart.
Jud 5:16 C D T R K Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the divisions of Reuben there were great [01419] searchings of heart.
Jud 11:33 C D T R K And he smote them from Aroer, even till thou come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and unto the plain of the vineyards, with a very great [01419] slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.
Jud 15:8 C D T R K And he smote them hip and thigh with a great [01419] slaughter : and he went down and dwelt in the top of the rock Etam.
Jud 15:18 C D T R And he was sore athirst, and called on the LORD, and said, Thou hast given this great [01419] deliverance into the hand of thy servant : and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?
Jud 16:5 C D T R K And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great [01419] strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.
Jud 16:6 C D T R And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great [01419] strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.
Jud 16:15 C D T R And she said unto him, How canst thou say, I love thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these three times, and hast not told me wherein thy great [01419] strength lieth.
Jud 16:23 C D T R K Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great [01419] sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice : for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.
Jud 21:2 C D T R K And the people came to the house of God, and abode there till even before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept sore [01419];
Jud 21:5 C D T R And the children of Israel said, Who is there among all the tribes of Israel that came not up with the congregation unto the LORD? For they had made a great [01419] oath concerning him that came not up to the LORD to Mizpeh, saying, He shall surely be put to death.
1Sa 2:17 C D T R K Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great [01419] before the LORD : for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.
1Sa 4:5 C D T R And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great [01419] shout, so that the earth rang again.
1Sa 4:6 C D T R K And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great [01419] shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the LORD was come into the camp.
1Sa 4:10 C D T R And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent : and there was a very great [01419] slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.
1Sa 4:17 C D T R And the messenger answered and said, Israel is fled before the Philistines, and there hath been also a great [01419] slaughter among the people, and thy two sons also, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God is taken.
1Sa 5:9 C D T R And it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was against the city with a very great [01419] destruction : and he smote the men of the city, both small and great [01419], and they had emerods in their secret parts.
1Sa 6:9 C D T R K And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, then he hath done us this great [01419] evil : but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us: it was a chance that happened to us.
1Sa 6:14 C D T R K And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a Bethshemite, and stood there, where there was a great [01419] stone : and they clave the wood of the cart, and offered the kine a burnt offering unto the LORD.
1Sa 6:15 C D T K And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of gold were, and put them on the great [01419] stone : and the men of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day unto the LORD.
1Sa 6:18 C D T R K And the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both of fenced cities, and of country villages, even unto the great [01419] stone of Abel, whereon they set down the ark of the LORD : which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua, the Bethshemite.
1Sa 6:19 C D T R K And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men : and the people lamented, because the LORD had smitten many of the people with a great [01419] slaughter.
1Sa 7:10 C D T R And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel : but the LORD thundered with a great [01419] thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel.
1Sa 12:16 C D T R Now therefore stand and see this great [01419] thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes.
1Sa 12:22 C D T R For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great [01419] name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.
1Sa 14:20 C D T R K And Saul and all the people that were with him assembled themselves, and they came to the battle : and, behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great [01419] discomfiture.
1Sa 14:33 C D T R K Then they told Saul, saying, Behold, the people sin against the LORD, in that they eat with the blood. And he said, Ye have transgressed : roll a great [01419] stone unto me this day.
1Sa 14:45 C D T R K And the people said unto Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who hath wrought this great [01419] salvation in Israel? God forbid : as the LORD liveth, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people rescued Jonathan, that he died not.
1Sa 17:13 C D T R And the three eldest [01419] sons of Jesse went and followed Saul to the battle : and the names of his three sons that went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and next unto him Abinadab, and the third Shammah.
1Sa 17:14 C D T R And David was the youngest : and the three eldest [01419] followed Saul.
1Sa 17:25 C D T R K And the men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man that is come up? surely to defy Israel is he come up : and it shall be, that the man who killeth him, the king will enrich him with great [01419] riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father's house free in Israel.
1Sa 17:28 C D T R K And Eliab his eldest [01419] brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle.
1Sa 18:17 C D T R K And Saul said to David, Behold my elder [01419] daughter Merab, her will I give thee to wife : only be thou valiant for me, and fight the LORD'S battles. For Saul said, Let not mine hand be upon him, but let the hand of the Philistines be upon him.
1Sa 19:5 C D T R For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great [01419] salvation for all Israel : thou sawest it, and didst rejoice : wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause?
1Sa 19:8 C D T R K And there was war again : and David went out, and fought with the Philistines, and slew them with a great [01419] slaughter; and they fled from him.
1Sa 19:22 C D T K Then went he also to Ramah, and came to a great [01419] well that is in Sechu : and he asked and said, Where are Samuel and David? And one said, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah.
1Sa 20:2 C D T R K And he said unto him, God forbid; thou shalt not die : behold, my father will do nothing either great [01419] or small, but that he will shew it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? it is not so.
1Sa 22:15 C D T R K Did I then begin to enquire of God for him? be it far from me : let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father : for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more [01419].
1Sa 23:5 C D T So David and his men went to Keilah, and fought with the Philistines, and brought away their cattle, and smote them with a great [01419] slaughter. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.
1Sa 25:2 C D T R K And there was a man in Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and the man was very great [01419], and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats : and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.
1Sa 25:36 C D T R K And Abigail came to Nabal; and, behold, he held a feast in his house, like the feast of a king; and Nabal's heart was merry within him, for he was very drunken : wherefore she told him nothing, less or more [01419], until the morning light.
1Sa 28:12 C D T R K And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud [01419] voice : and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
1Sa 30:2 C D T R K And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great [01419] or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.
1Sa 30:16 C D T R K And when he had brought him down, behold, they were spread abroad upon all the earth, eating and drinking, and dancing, because of all the great [01419] spoil that they had taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah.
1Sa 30:19 C D T R And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great [01419], neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor any thing that they had taken to them: David recovered all.
2Sa 3:38 C D T R And the king said unto his servants, Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man [01419] fallen this day in Israel?
2Sa 5:10 C D T R And David went on, and grew great [01419], and the LORD God of hosts was with him.
2Sa 7:9 C D T R And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made thee a great [01419] name, like unto the name of the great [01419] men that are in the earth.
2Sa 13:15 C D T R K Then Amnon hated her exceedingly [01419]; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater [01419] than the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.
2Sa 13:16 C T K And she said unto him, There is no cause : this evil in sending me away is greater [01419] than the other that thou didst unto me. But he would not hearken unto her.
2Sa 13:36 C D T R And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of speaking, that, behold, the king's sons came, and lifted up their voice and wept : and the king also and all his servants wept very sore [01419].
2Sa 15:23 C D T R K And all the country wept with a loud [01419] voice, and all the people passed over : the king also himself passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over, toward the way of the wilderness.
2Sa 18:7 C D T R K Where the people of Israel were slain before the servants of David, and there was there a great [01419] slaughter that day of twenty thousand men.
2Sa 18:9 C D T R K And Absalom met the servants of David. And Absalom rode upon a mule, and the mule went under the thick boughs of a great [01419] oak, and his head caught hold of the oak, and he was taken up between the heaven and the earth; and the mule that was under him went away.
2Sa 18:17 C D T R K And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great [01419] pit in the wood, and laid a very great [01419] heap of stones upon him: and all Israel fled every one to his tent.
2Sa 18:29 C D T R And the king said, Is the young man Absalom safe? And Ahimaaz answered, When Joab sent the king's servant, and me thy servant, I saw a great [01419] tumult, but I knew not what it was.
2Sa 19:4 C D T R K But the king covered his face, and the king cried with a loud [01419] voice, O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son!
2Sa 19:32 C D T R Now Barzillai was a very aged man, even fourscore years old : and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay at Mahanaim; for he was a very great [01419] man.
2Sa 20:8 C D T R K When they were at the great [01419] stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa went before them. And Joab's garment that he had put on was girded unto him, and upon it a girdle with a sword fastened upon his loins in the sheath thereof; and as he went forth it fell out.
2Sa 23:10 C D T R He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword : and the LORD wrought a great [01419] victory that day; and the people returned after him only to spoil.
2Sa 23:12 C D T R But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines : and the LORD wrought a great [01419] victory.
1Ki 1:40 C D T R K And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great [01419] joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them.
1Ki 2:22 C D T R K And king Solomon answered and said unto his mother, And why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? ask for him the kingdom also; for he is mine elder [01419] brother; even for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah.
1Ki 3:4 C D T R K And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great [01419] high place : a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar.
1Ki 3:6 C D T R K And Solomon said, Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father great [01419] mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great [01419] kindness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day.
1Ki 4:13 C D T R K The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great [01419] cities with walls and brasen bars :
1Ki 5:17 C D T R K And the king commanded, and they brought great [01419] stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house.
1Ki 7:9 C D T R K All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and so on the outside toward the great [01419] court.
1Ki 7:10 C T R K And the foundation was of costly stones, even great [01419] stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.
1Ki 7:12 C D T R K And the great [01419] court round about was with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams, both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house.
1Ki 8:42 C D T R K (For they shall hear of thy great [01419] name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched out arm;) when he shall come and pray toward this house;
1Ki 8:55 C D T R And he stood, and blessed all the congregation of Israel with a loud [01419] voice, saying,
1Ki 8:65 C D T R K And at that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great [01419] congregation, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven days, even fourteen days.
1Ki 10:18 C D T R K Moreover the king made a great [01419] throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold.
1Ki 18:27 C D T R K And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud [01419] : for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.
1Ki 18:28 C D T R K And they cried aloud [01419], and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.
1Ki 18:45 C D T R K And it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great [01419] rain. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.
1Ki 19:11 C D T R K And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great [01419] and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind : and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake :
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