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Verse You Selected: Matthew 25:11 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 25:11 King James Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
  Strong Concordance Afterward [1161] [5305] came [2064] also [2532] the other [3062] virgins [3933], saying [3004], Lord [2962], Lord [2962], open [455] to us [2254].
Greek For 1161
Word de
Pronunciation deh
Definition a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:

also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Verse Occurrences 2556
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Ac 24:22 C D T R K And [1161] when Felix heard these things, having more perfect knowledge of that way, he deferred them, and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the uttermost of your matter.
Ac 24:24 C D T R K And [1161] after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.
Ac 24:25 C D T R K And [1161] as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when [1161] I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.
Ac 24:26 C D T R K He hoped also [1161] that money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him : wherefore he sent for him the oftener, and communed with him.
Ac 24:27 C D T R K But [1161] after two years Porcius Festus came into Felix ' room : and Felix, willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound.
Ac 25:2 C D T R K Then [1161] the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him,
Ac 25:4 C D T K But Festus answered, that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, and [1161] that he himself would depart shortly thither.
Ac 25:6 C D T R K And [1161] when he had tarried among them more than ten days, he went down unto Caesarea; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought.
Ac 25:7 C D T R K And [1161] when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove.
Ac 25:9 C D T R K But [1161] Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure, answered Paul, and said, Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?
Ac 25:10 C D T R K Then [1161] said Paul, I stand at Caesar's judgment seat, where I ought to be judged : to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest.
Ac 25:11 C D T R K For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die : but [1161] if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar.
Ac 25:13 C D T R K And [1161] after certain days king Agrippa and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute Festus.
Ac 25:14 C D T R K And [1161] when they had been there many days, Festus declared Paul's cause unto the king, saying, There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix :
Ac 25:19 C D T R K But [1161] had certain questions against him of their own superstition, and of one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.
Ac 25:20 C D T K And [1161] because I doubted of such manner of questions, I asked him whether he would go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these matters.
Ac 25:21 C D T R K But [1161] when Paul had appealed to be reserved unto the hearing of Augustus, I commanded him to be kept till I might send him to Caesar.
Ac 25:22 C D T R K Then [1161] Agrippa said unto Festus, I would also hear the man myself. To morrow, [1161] said he, thou shalt hear him.
Ac 25:25 C D T R But [1161] when I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death, and [1161] that he himself hath appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.
Ac 26:1 C D T R K Then [1161] Agrippa said unto Paul, Thou art permitted to speak for thyself. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and answered for himself :
Ac 26:14 C D T R K And [1161] when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
Ac 26:15 C D T R And [1161] I said, Who art thou, Lord? And [1161] he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
Ac 26:24 C D T R K And [1161] as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.
Ac 26:25 C D T R K But [1161] he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness.
Ac 26:28 C D T R K Then [1161] Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
Ac 26:29 C D T R K And [1161] Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds.
Ac 26:32 C D T R K Then [1161] said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Caesar.
Ac 27:1 C D T R K And [1161] when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus ' band.
Ac 27:2 C D T R K And [1161] entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
Ac 27:7 C D T R K And [1161] when we had sailed slowly many days, and scarce were come over against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us, we sailed under Crete, over against Salmone;
Ac 27:9 C D T R K Now [1161] when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul admonished them,
Ac 27:11 C D T R K Nevertheless [1161] the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul.
Ac 27:12 C D T R K And [1161] because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter; which is an haven of Crete, and lieth toward the south west and north west.
Ac 27:13 C D T R K And [1161] when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete.
Ac 27:14 C D T R K But [1161] not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.
Ac 27:15 C D T R K And [1161] when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive.
Ac 27:16 C D T K And [1161] running under a certain island which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat :
Ac 27:18 C D T R K And [1161] we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship;
Ac 27:20 C D T R K And [1161] when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.
Ac 27:21 C D T R K But [1161] after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.
Ac 27:26 C D T R K Howbeit [1161] we must be cast upon a certain island.
Ac 27:27 C D T R K But [1161] when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country;
Ac 27:28 C T K And sounded, and found it twenty fathoms : and [1161] when they had gone a little further, they sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms.
Ac 27:30 C D T R K And [1161] as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship,
Ac 27:33 C D T K And [1161] while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing.
Ac 27:35 C D T R K And [1161] when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all : and when he had broken it, he began to eat.
Ac 27:36 C D T R K Then [1161] were they all of good cheer, and they also took some meat.
Ac 27:37 C D T R K And [1161] we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls.
Ac 27:38 C D T R K And [1161] when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea.
Ac 27:39 C D T K And [1161] when it was day, they knew not the land : but [1161] they discovered a certain creek with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were possible, to thrust in the ship.
Ac 27:41 C D T R K And [1161] falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and remained unmoveable, but [1161] the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves.
Ac 27:42 C T R K And [1161] the soldiers ' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape.
Ac 27:43 C D T R K But [1161] the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land :
Ac 27:44 C D T R K And the rest, some on boards, and [1161] some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.
Ac 28:2 C D T R K And [1161] the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness : for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.
Ac 28:3 C D T R K And [1161] when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.
Ac 28:4 C D T R K And [1161] when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.
Ac 28:6 C D T R K Howbeit [1161] they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly : but [1161] after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.
Ac 28:7 C D T R K [1161] In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius; who received us, and lodged us three days courteously.
Ac 28:8 C D T R K And [1161] it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux : to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him.
Ac 28:11 C D T R K And [1161] after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.
Ac 28:16 C D T R K And [1161] when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard : but [1161] Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.
Ac 28:17 C D T R K And [1161] it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together : and [1161] when they were come together, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
Ac 28:19 C D T R K But [1161] when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of.
Ac 28:21 C D T R K And [1161] they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came shewed or spake any harm of thee.
Ac 28:22 C D T R K But [1161] we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest : for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.
Ac 28:23 C D T R K And [1161] when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.
Ac 28:24 C T R K And some believed the things which were spoken, and [1161] some believed not.
Ac 28:25 C D T R K And [1161] when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers,
Ac 28:30 C D T K And [1161] Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him,
Ro 1:12 C D T R K That [1161] is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
Ro 1:13 C D T R K Now [1161] I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.
Ro 1:17 C D T R K For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith : as it is written, [1161] The just shall live by faith.
Ro 2:2 C D T R K But [1161] we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
Ro 2:3 C D T R K And [1161] thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
Ro 2:5 C D T R K But [1161] after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;
Ro 2:8 C D T R K But [1161] unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but [1161] obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
Ro 2:10 C D T R K But [1161] glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile :
Ro 2:25 C D T R K For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law : but [1161] if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.
Ro 3:4 C D T R K God forbid : yea [1161], let God be true, but [1161] every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
Ro 3:5 C D T R K But [1161] if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man )
Ro 3:19 C D T R K Now [1161] we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law : that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
Ro 3:21 C D T R K But [1161] now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Ro 3:22 C D T R K Even [1161] the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe : for there is no difference :
Ro 3:29 C D T R K Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also [1161] of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also :
Ro 4:3 C D T R K For what saith the scripture? [1161] Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
Ro 4:4 C D T R K Now [1161] to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
Ro 4:5 C D T R K But [1161] to him that worketh not, but [1161] believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Ro 4:20 C D T R K [1161] He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
Ro 4:23 C T R K Now [1161] it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
Ro 5:3 C D T R K And [1161] not only so, but we glory in tribulations also : knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
Ro 5:4 C D T R K And [1161] patience, experience; and [1161] experience, hope :
Ro 5:5 C D T R K And [1161] hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Ro 5:8 C D T R K But [1161] God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Ro 5:11 C D T R K And [1161] not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
Ro 5:13 C D T R K (For until the law sin was in the world : but [1161] sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Ro 5:16 C D T R K And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift : for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but [1161] the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
Ro 5:20 C D T R K Moreover [1161] the law entered, that the offence might abound. But [1161] where sin abounded, grace did much more abound :
Ro 6:8 C D T R K Now [1161] if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him :
Ro 6:10 C D T R K For in that he died, he died unto sin once : but [1161] in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
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