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Verse You Selected: Proverbs 17:17 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
Pr 17:17 King James A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
  Strong Concordance A friend [07453] loveth [0157] at all times [06256], and a brother [0251] is born [03205] for adversity [06869].
Hebrew For 157
Word 'ahab
Pronunciation aw-hab'
Definition or raheb {aw-habe'}; a primitive root; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise):

(be-)love(-d, -ly, -r), like, friend.
Verse Occurrences 195
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Ps 119:97 C D T R K MEM. O how love I [0157] thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
Ps 119:113 C D T R K SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts : but thy law do I love [0157].
Ps 119:119 C D T R K Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross : therefore I love [0157] thy testimonies.
Ps 119:127 C D T R K Therefore I love [0157] thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.
Ps 119:132 C D T R K Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love [0157] thy name.
Ps 119:140 C D T R K Thy word is very pure : therefore thy servant loveth [0157] it.
Ps 119:159 C D T R K Consider how I love [0157] thy precepts : quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness.
Ps 119:163 C D T R K I hate and abhor lying : but thy law do I love [0157].
Ps 119:165 C D T R K Great peace have they which love [0157] thy law : and nothing shall offend them.
Ps 119:167 C D T R K My soul hath kept thy testimonies; and I love [0157] them exceedingly.
Ps 122:6 C D T R K Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that love [0157] thee.
Ps 145:20 C D T R K The LORD preserveth all them that love [0157] him: but all the wicked will he destroy.
Ps 146:8 C D T R K The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind : the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down : the LORD loveth [0157] the righteous :
Pr 1:22 C D T R K How long, ye simple ones, will ye love [0157] simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Pr 3:12 C D T R K For whom the LORD loveth [0157] he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Pr 4:6 C D T R K Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love [0157] her, and she shall keep thee.
Pr 8:17 C D T R K I love [0157] them that love [0157] me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
Pr 8:21 C D T R That I may cause those that love [0157] me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.
Pr 8:36 C D T R K But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul : all they that hate me love [0157] death.
Pr 9:8 C D T R Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love [0157] thee.
Pr 12:1 C D T R K Whoso loveth [0157] instruction loveth [0157] knowledge : but he that hateth reproof is brutish.
Pr 13:24 C D T R K He that spareth his rod hateth his son : but he that loveth [0157] him chasteneth him betimes.
Pr 14:20 C D T R K The poor is hated even of his own neighbour : but the rich hath many friends [0157].
Pr 15:9 C D T R The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD : but he loveth [0157] him that followeth after righteousness.
Pr 15:12 C T R K A scorner loveth [0157] not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.
Pr 16:13 C D T R K Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love [0157] him that speaketh right.
Pr 17:17 C D T R K A friend loveth [0157] at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Pr 17:19 C D T R K He loveth [0157] transgression that loveth [0157] strife : and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction.
Pr 18:21 C D T R K Death and life are in the power of the tongue : and they that love [0157] it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Pr 18:24 C D T R K A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly : and there is a friend [0157] that sticketh closer than a brother.
Pr 19:8 C D T R K He that getteth wisdom loveth [0157] his own soul : he that keepeth understanding shall find good.
Pr 20:13 C D T R K Love [0157] not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
Pr 21:17 C D T R K He that loveth [0157] pleasure shall be a poor man : he that loveth [0157] wine and oil shall not be rich.
Pr 22:11 C D T R K He that loveth [0157] pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
Pr 27:6 C D T R K Faithful are the wounds of a friend [0157]; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Pr 29:3 C D T R K Whoso loveth [0157] wisdom rejoiceth his father : but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance.
Ec 3:8 C D T R K A time to love [0157], and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ec 5:10 C D T R K He that loveth [0157] silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth [0157] abundance with increase : this is also vanity.
Ec 9:9 C D T R K Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest [0157] all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity : for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.
So 1:3 C D T R K Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love [0157] thee.
So 1:4 C D T R K Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers : we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine : the upright love [0157] thee.
So 1:7 C D T R K Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth [0157], where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon : for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions?
So 3:1 C D T R K By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth [0157]: I sought him, but I found him not.
So 3:2 C D T R K I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth [0157]: I sought him, but I found him not.
So 3:3 C D T R K The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth [0157]?
So 3:4 C D T R K It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth [0157]: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.
Isa 1:23 C D T R K Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves : every one loveth [0157] gifts, and followeth after rewards : they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.
Isa 41:8 C D T R K But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend [0157].
Isa 43:4 C D T R K Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved [0157] thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.
Isa 48:14 C D T R K All ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them hath declared these things? The LORD hath loved [0157] him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.
Isa 56:6 C D T R K Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love [0157] the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;
Isa 56:10 C D T R K His watchmen are blind : they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving [0157] to slumber.
Isa 57:8 C D T R K Behind the doors also and the posts hast thou set up thy remembrance : for thou hast discovered thyself to another than me, and art gone up; thou hast enlarged thy bed, and made thee a covenant with them; thou lovedst [0157] their bed where thou sawest it.
Isa 61:8 C D T R K For I the LORD love [0157] judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.
Isa 66:10 C D T R K Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love [0157] her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her:
Jer 2:25 C D T R K Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst : but thou saidst, There is no hope : no; for I have loved [0157] strangers, and after them will I go.
Jer 5:31 C D T R K The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love [0157] to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?
Jer 8:2 C D T R K And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved [0157], and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped : they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.
Jer 14:10 C D T R K Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved [0157] to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.
Jer 20:4 C D T R K For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends [0157]: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword.
Jer 20:6 C D T R K And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thine house shall go into captivity : and thou shalt come to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt be buried there, thou, and all thy friends [0157], to whom thou hast prophesied lies.
Jer 22:20 C D T R K Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages : for all thy lovers [0157] are destroyed.
Jer 22:22 C D T R K The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers [0157] shall go into captivity : surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.
Jer 30:14 C D T R K All thy lovers [0157] have forgotten thee; they seek thee not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased.
Jer 31:3 C D T R K The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved [0157] thee with an everlasting love : therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
La 1:2 C D T R K She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks : among all her lovers [0157] she hath none to comfort her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies.
La 1:19 C D T R K I called for my lovers [0157], but they deceived me: my priests and mine elders gave up the ghost in the city, while they sought their meat to relieve their souls.
Eze 16:33 C D T R K They give gifts to all whores : but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers [0157], and hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.
Eze 16:36 C D T R K Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers [0157], and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;
Eze 16:37 C D T R K Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers [0157], with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved [0157], with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness.
Eze 23:5 C D T R K And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers [0157], on the Assyrians her neighbours,
Eze 23:9 C D T R K Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers [0157], into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted.
Eze 23:22 C D T R K Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers [0157] against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee on every side;
Da 9:4 C D T R K And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love [0157] him, and to them that keep his commandments;
Ho 2:5 C D T R K For their mother hath played the harlot : she that conceived them hath done shamefully : for she said, I will go after my lovers [0157], that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.
Ho 2:7 C D T R K And she shall follow after her lovers [0157], but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.
Ho 2:10 C D T R K And now will I discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers [0157], and none shall deliver her out of mine hand.
Ho 2:12 C D T R K And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lovers [0157] have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.
Ho 2:13 C D T R K And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense to them, and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers [0157], and forgat me, saith the LORD.
Ho 3:1 C D T R K Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love [0157] a woman beloved [0157] of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love [0157] flagons of wine.
Ho 4:18 C D T R K Their drink is sour : they have committed whoredom continually : her rulers with shame do love [0157], Give ye.
Ho 9:1 C D T R K Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people : for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved [0157] a reward upon every cornfloor.
Ho 9:10 C D T R K I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time : but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved [0157].
Ho 10:11 C D T R K And Ephraim is as an heifer that is taught, and loveth [0157] to tread out the corn; but I passed over upon her fair neck : I will make Ephraim to ride; Judah shall plow, and Jacob shall break his clods.
Ho 11:1 C D T R K When Israel was a child, then I loved [0157] him, and called my son out of Egypt.
Ho 12:7 C D T R K He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand : he loveth [0157] to oppress.
Ho 14:4 C D T R K I will heal their backsliding, I will love [0157] them freely : for mine anger is turned away from him.
Am 4:5 C D T R K And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, and proclaim and publish the free offerings : for this liketh [0157] you, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.
Am 5:15 C D T R K Hate the evil, and love [0157] the good, and establish judgment in the gate : it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.
Mic 3:2 C D T R K Who hate the good, and love [0157] the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;
Zec 8:17 C D T R K And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love [0157] no false oath : for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.
Zec 8:19 C D T R K Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love [0157] the truth and peace.
Zec 13:6 C D T R K And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends [0157].
Mal 1:2 C D T R K I have loved [0157] you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved [0157] us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD : yet I loved [0157] Jacob,
Mal 2:11 C D T R K Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved [0157], and hath married the daughter of a strange god.
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