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Verse You Selected: Exodus 24:15 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
Ex 24:15 King James And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount.
  Strong Concordance And Moses [04872] went up [05927] into the mount [02022], and a cloud [06051] covered [03680] the mount [02022].
Hebrew For 4872
Word Mosheh
Pronunciation mo-sheh'
Definition from 4871; drawing out (of the water), i.e. rescued; Mosheh, the Israelite lawgiver:

Root(s) 4871  
Verse Occurrences 704
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Nu 26:4 C D T R Take the sum of the people, from twenty years old and upward; as the LORD commanded Moses [04872] and the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt.
Nu 26:9 C D T R And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation, who strove against Moses [04872] and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against the LORD :
Nu 26:52 C D T And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 26:59 C D T R K And the name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, whom her mother bare to Levi in Egypt : and she bare unto Amram Aaron and Moses [04872], and Miriam their sister.
Nu 26:63 C D T These are they that were numbered by Moses [04872] and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.
Nu 26:64 C D T R K But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses [04872] and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.
Nu 27:2 C D T R K And they stood before Moses [04872], and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes and all the congregation, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying,
Nu 27:5 C D T R And Moses [04872] brought their cause before the LORD.
Nu 27:6 C D T R And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 27:11 C D T R And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
Nu 27:12 C D T R K And the LORD said unto Moses [04872], Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and see the land which I have given unto the children of Israel.
Nu 27:15 C D T And Moses [04872] spake unto the LORD, saying,
Nu 27:18 C D T R K And the LORD said unto Moses [04872], Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him;
Nu 27:22 C D T And Moses [04872] did as the LORD commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation :
Nu 27:23 C D T R And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses [04872].
Nu 28:1 C D T K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 29:40 C D T R And Moses [04872] told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
Nu 30:1 C D T R K And Moses [04872] spake unto the heads of the tribes concerning the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded.
Nu 30:16 C D T R These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses [04872], between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.
Nu 31:1 C D T K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 31:3 C D T R K And Moses [04872] spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD of Midian.
Nu 31:6 C D T R K And Moses [04872] sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.
Nu 31:7 C D T R K And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses [04872]; and they slew all the males.
Nu 31:12 C D T R And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses [04872], and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
Nu 31:13 C D T R K And Moses [04872], and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.
Nu 31:14 C D T R K And Moses [04872] was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.
Nu 31:15 C D T R And Moses [04872] said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
Nu 31:21 C D T R And Eleazar the priest said unto the men of war which went to the battle, This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD commanded Moses [04872];
Nu 31:25 C D T K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 31:31 C D T And Moses [04872] and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
Nu 31:41 C D T R And Moses [04872] gave the tribute, which was the LORD'S heave offering, unto Eleazar the priest, as the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
Nu 31:42 C D T And of the children of Israel's half, which Moses [04872] divided from the men that warred,
Nu 31:47 C D T R Even of the children of Israel's half, Moses [04872] took one portion of fifty, both of man and of beast, and gave them unto the Levites, which kept the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD; as the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
Nu 31:48 C D T K And the officers which were over thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Moses [04872]:
Nu 31:49 C D T R K And they said unto Moses [04872], Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us.
Nu 31:51 C D T R And Moses [04872] and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, even all wrought jewels.
Nu 31:54 C D T R And Moses [04872] and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation, for a memorial for the children of Israel before the LORD.
Nu 32:2 C D T The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spake unto Moses [04872], and to Eleazar the priest, and unto the princes of the congregation, saying,
Nu 32:6 C D T R K And Moses [04872] said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?
Nu 32:20 C D T R K And Moses [04872] said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will go armed before the LORD to war,
Nu 32:25 C D T R And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben spake unto Moses [04872], saying, Thy servants will do as my lord commandeth.
Nu 32:28 C D T R K So concerning them Moses [04872] commanded Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel :
Nu 32:29 C D T And Moses [04872] said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession :
Nu 32:33 C D T R K And Moses [04872] gave unto them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, with the cities thereof in the coasts, even the cities of the country round about.
Nu 32:40 C D T R And Moses [04872] gave Gilead unto Machir the son of Manasseh; and he dwelt therein.
Nu 33:1 C D T R K These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses [04872] and Aaron.
Nu 33:2 C D T R K And Moses [04872] wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of the LORD : and these are their journeys according to their goings out.
Nu 33:50 C D T R K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872] in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying,
Nu 34:1 C D And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 34:13 C D T R K And Moses [04872] commanded the children of Israel, saying, This is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, which the LORD commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to the half tribe :
Nu 34:16 C D T K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 35:1 C D T R And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872] in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying,
Nu 35:9 C D T And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872], saying,
Nu 36:1 C D T R K And the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses [04872], and before the princes, the chief fathers of the children of Israel :
Nu 36:5 C D T R K And Moses [04872] commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the LORD, saying, The tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well.
Nu 36:10 C D T R Even as the LORD commanded Moses [04872], so did the daughters of Zelophehad :
Nu 36:13 C D T R K These are the commandments and the judgments, which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses [04872] unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.
De 1:1 C D T R K These be the words which Moses [04872] spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab.
De 1:3 C D T R K And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses [04872] spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them;
De 1:5 C D T R K On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses [04872] to declare this law, saying,
De 4:41 C D T R K Then Moses [04872] severed three cities on this side Jordan toward the sunrising;
De 4:44 C D T R K And this is the law which Moses [04872] set before the children of Israel :
De 4:45 C D T R These are the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which Moses [04872] spake unto the children of Israel, after they came forth out of Egypt,
De 4:46 C D T R K On this side Jordan, in the valley over against Bethpeor, in the land of Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses [04872] and the children of Israel smote, after they were come forth out of Egypt :
De 5:1 C D T R K And Moses [04872] called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.
De 27:1 C D T R K And Moses [04872] with the elders of Israel commanded the people, saying, Keep all the commandments which I command you this day.
De 27:9 C D T R And Moses [04872] and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the people of the LORD thy God.
De 27:11 C D T K And Moses [04872] charged the people the same day, saying,
De 29:1 C D T R K These are the words of the covenant, which the LORD commanded Moses [04872] to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb.
De 29:2 C D T R K And Moses [04872] called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Ye have seen all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all his servants, and unto all his land;
De 31:1 C D T K And Moses [04872] went and spake these words unto all Israel.
De 31:7 C D T R K And Moses [04872] called unto Joshua, and said unto him in the sight of all Israel, Be strong and of a good courage : for thou must go with this people unto the land which the LORD hath sworn unto their fathers to give them; and thou shalt cause them to inherit it.
De 31:9 C D T R K And Moses [04872] wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and unto all the elders of Israel.
De 31:10 C D T R K And Moses [04872] commanded them, saying, At the end of every seven years, in the solemnity of the year of release, in the feast of tabernacles,
De 31:14 C D T R K And the LORD said unto Moses [04872], Behold, thy days approach that thou must die : call Joshua, and present yourselves in the tabernacle of the congregation, that I may give him a charge. And Moses [04872] and Joshua went, and presented themselves in the tabernacle of the congregation.
De 31:16 C D T R K And the LORD said unto Moses [04872], Behold, thou shalt sleep with thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and go a whoring after the gods of the strangers of the land, whither they go to be among them, and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with them.
De 31:22 C D T R Moses [04872] therefore wrote this song the same day, and taught it the children of Israel.
De 31:24 C D T R K And it came to pass, when Moses [04872] had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finished,
De 31:25 C D T That Moses [04872] commanded the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, saying,
De 31:30 C D T R And Moses [04872] spake in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song, until they were ended.
De 32:44 C D T R K And Moses [04872] came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people, he, and Hoshea the son of Nun.
De 32:45 C D T And Moses [04872] made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel :
De 32:48 C D T R K And the LORD spake unto Moses [04872] that selfsame day, saying,
De 33:1 C D T R K And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses [04872] the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.
De 33:4 C D T R Moses [04872] commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.
De 34:1 C D T R K And Moses [04872] went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,
De 34:5 C D T R K So Moses [04872] the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.
De 34:7 C D T R And Moses [04872] was an hundred and twenty years old when he died : his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.
De 34:8 C D T R K And the children of Israel wept for Moses [04872] in the plains of Moab thirty days : so the days of weeping and mourning for Moses [04872] were ended.
De 34:9 C D T R K And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses [04872] had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the LORD commanded Moses [04872].
De 34:10 C D T R K And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses [04872], whom the LORD knew face to face,
De 34:12 C D T And in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses [04872] shewed in the sight of all Israel.
Jos 1:1 C D T R K Now after the death of Moses [04872] the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses [04872]' minister, saying,
Jos 1:2 C D T R K Moses [04872] my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
Jos 1:3 C D T R K Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses [04872].
Jos 1:5 C D T R K There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life : as I was with Moses [04872], so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Jos 1:7 C D T R K Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses [04872] my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
Jos 1:13 C D T R Remember the word which Moses [04872] the servant of the LORD commanded you, saying, The LORD your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land.
Jos 1:14 C D T R K Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses [04872] gave you on this side Jordan; but ye shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them;
Jos 1:15 C D T R Until the LORD have given your brethren rest, as he hath given you, and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses [04872] the LORD'S servant gave you on this side Jordan toward the sunrising.
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