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Verse You Selected: Job 42:11 - Updated King James

Verse         Translation Text
Job 42:11 Updated King James Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.
  Strong Concordance Then came [0935] there unto him all his brethren [0251], and all his sisters [0269], and all they that had been of his acquaintance [03045] before [06440], and did eat [0398] bread [03899] with him in his house [01004]: and they bemoaned [05110] him, and comforted [05162] him over all the evil [07451] that the LORD [03068] had brought [0935] upon him: every man [0376] also gave [05414] him a [0259] piece of money [07192], and every one [0376] an earring [05141] of gold [02091].
Hebrew For 2091
Word zahab
Pronunciation zaw-hawb'
Definition from an unused root meaning to shimmer; gold, figuratively, something gold-colored (i.e. yellow), as oil, a clear sky:

gold(-en), fair weather.
Verse Occurrences 336
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1Ch 28:18 C D T R K And for the altar of incense refined gold [02091] by weight; and gold [02091] for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims, that spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of the LORD.
1Ch 29:2 C D T R K Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold [02091] for things to be made of gold [02091], and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance.
1Ch 29:3 C D T R K Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold [02091] and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house,
1Ch 29:4 C D T R K Even three thousand talents of gold [02091], of the gold [02091] of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal:
1Ch 29:5 C D T R K The gold [02091] for things of gold [02091], and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD?
1Ch 29:7 C D T K And gave for the service of the house of God of gold [02091] five thousand talents and ten thousand drams, and of silver ten thousand talents, and of brass eighteen thousand talents, and one hundred thousand talents of iron.
2Ch 1:15 C D T R And the king made silver and gold [02091] at Jerusalem as plenteous as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the vale for abundance.
2Ch 2:7 C D T R K Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold [02091], and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide.
2Ch 2:14 C D T R K The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold [02091], and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord David thy father.
2Ch 3:4 C D T R K And the porch that was in the front of the house, the length of it was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the height was an hundred and twenty : and he overlaid it within with pure gold [02091].
2Ch 3:5 C D T R K And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold [02091], and set thereon palm trees and chains.
2Ch 3:6 C D T R K And he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty : and the gold [02091] was gold [02091] of Parvaim.
2Ch 3:7 C D T R He overlaid also the house, the beams, the posts, and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold [02091]; and graved cherubims on the walls.
2Ch 3:8 C D T R K And he made the most holy house, the length whereof was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits : and he overlaid it with fine gold [02091], amounting to six hundred talents.
2Ch 3:9 C D T K And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold [02091]. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold [02091].
2Ch 3:10 C D T R K And in the most holy house he made two cherubims of image work, and overlaid them with gold [02091].
2Ch 4:7 C D T R K And he made ten candlesticks of gold [02091] according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.
2Ch 4:8 C D T R K He made also ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. And he made an hundred basons of gold [02091].
2Ch 4:19 C D T R K And Solomon made all the vessels that were for the house of God, the golden [02091] altar also, and the tables whereon the shewbread was set;
2Ch 4:20 C D T R K Moreover the candlesticks with their lamps, that they should burn after the manner before the oracle, of pure gold [02091];
2Ch 4:21 C D T R And the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, made he of gold [02091], and that perfect gold [02091];
2Ch 4:22 C D T R K And the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold [02091]: and the entry of the house, the inner doors thereof for the most holy place, and the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold [02091].
2Ch 5:1 C D T R K Thus all the work that Solomon made for the house of the LORD was finished : and Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had dedicated; and the silver, and the gold [02091], and all the instruments, put he among the treasures of the house of God.
2Ch 8:18 C D T R K And Huram sent him by the hands of his servants ships, and servants that had knowledge of the sea; and they went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and took thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold [02091], and brought them to king Solomon.
2Ch 9:1 C D T R K And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold [02091] in abundance, and precious stones : and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
2Ch 9:9 C D T R And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold [02091], and of spices great abundance, and precious stones : neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon.
2Ch 9:10 C D T R And the servants also of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, which brought gold [02091] from Ophir, brought algum trees and precious stones.
2Ch 9:13 C D T R K Now the weight of gold [02091] that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold [02091];
2Ch 9:14 C D T Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold [02091] and silver to Solomon.
2Ch 9:15 C D T R K And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold [02091]: six hundred shekels of beaten gold [02091] went to one target.
2Ch 9:16 C D T R And three hundred shields made he of beaten gold [02091]: three hundred shekels of gold [02091] went to one shield. And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.
2Ch 9:17 C D T R Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold [02091].
2Ch 9:18 C D T R K And there were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold [02091], which were fastened to the throne, and stays on each side of the sitting place, and two lions standing by the stays :
2Ch 9:20 C D T R And all the drinking vessels of king Solomon were of gold [02091], and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold [02091]: none were of silver; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of Solomon.
2Ch 9:21 C D T R K For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram : every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold [02091], and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
2Ch 9:24 C D T R And they brought every man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold [02091], and raiment, harness, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.
2Ch 12:9 C D T R K So Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, and took away the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king's house; he took all: he carried away also the shields of gold [02091] which Solomon had made.
2Ch 13:8 C D T R And now ye think to withstand the kingdom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of David; and ye be a great multitude, and there are with you golden [02091] calves, which Jeroboam made you for gods.
2Ch 13:11 C D T R K And they burn unto the LORD every morning and every evening burnt sacrifices and sweet incense : the shewbread also set they in order upon the pure table; and the candlestick of gold [02091] with the lamps thereof, to burn every evening : for we keep the charge of the LORD our God; but ye have forsaken him.
2Ch 15:18 C D T R K And he brought into the house of God the things that his father had dedicated, and that he himself had dedicated, silver, and gold [02091], and vessels.
2Ch 16:2 C D T R Then Asa brought out silver and gold [02091] out of the treasures of the house of the LORD and of the king's house, and sent to Benhadad king of Syria, that dwelt at Damascus, saying,
2Ch 16:3 C D T R K There is a league between me and thee, as there was between my father and thy father : behold, I have sent thee silver and gold [02091]; go, break thy league with Baasha king of Israel, that he may depart from me.
2Ch 21:3 C D T R K And their father gave them great gifts of silver, and of gold [02091], and of precious things, with fenced cities in Judah : but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram; because he was the firstborn.
2Ch 24:14 C D T R And when they had finished it, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada, whereof were made vessels for the house of the LORD, even vessels to minister, and to offer withal, and spoons, and vessels of gold [02091] and silver. And they offered burnt offerings in the house of the LORD continually all the days of Jehoiada.
2Ch 25:24 C D T R And he took all the gold [02091] and the silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of God with Obededom, and the treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.
2Ch 32:27 C D T R K And Hezekiah had exceeding much riches and honour : and he made himself treasuries for silver, and for gold [02091], and for precious stones, and for spices, and for shields, and for all manner of pleasant jewels;
2Ch 36:3 C D T R K And the king of Egypt put him down at Jerusalem, and condemned the land in an hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold [02091].
Ezr 1:4 C D T R K And whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold [02091], and with goods, and with beasts, beside the freewill offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.
Ezr 1:6 C D T R And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver, with gold [02091], with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, beside all that was willingly offered.
Ezr 1:9 C D T R K And this is the number of them: thirty chargers of gold [02091], a thousand chargers of silver, nine and twenty knives,
Ezr 1:10 C D T Thirty basons of gold [02091], silver basons of a second sort four hundred and ten, and other vessels a thousand.
Ezr 1:11 C D T R K All the vessels of gold [02091] and of silver were five thousand and four hundred. All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the captivity that were brought up from Babylon unto Jerusalem.
Ezr 2:69 C D T R K They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold [02091], and five thousand pound of silver, and one hundred priests ' garments.
Ezr 8:25 C D T R And weighed unto them the silver, and the gold [02091], and the vessels, even the offering of the house of our God, which the king, and his counsellors, and his lords, and all Israel there present, had offered :
Ezr 8:26 C D T I even weighed unto their hand six hundred and fifty talents of silver, and silver vessels an hundred talents, and of gold [02091] an hundred talents;
Ezr 8:27 C D T R K Also twenty basons of gold [02091], of a thousand drams; and two vessels of fine copper, precious as gold [02091].
Ezr 8:28 C D T R And I said unto them, Ye are holy unto the LORD; the vessels are holy also; and the silver and the gold [02091] are a freewill offering unto the LORD God of your fathers.
Ezr 8:30 C D T R So took the priests and the Levites the weight of the silver, and the gold [02091], and the vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God.
Ezr 8:33 C D T R K Now on the fourth day was the silver and the gold [02091] and the vessels weighed in the house of our God by the hand of Meremoth the son of Uriah the priest; and with him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas; and with them was Jozabad the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son of Binnui, Levites;
Ne 7:70 C D T R K And some of the chief of the fathers gave unto the work. The Tirshatha gave to the treasure a thousand drams of gold [02091], fifty basons, five hundred and thirty priests ' garments.
Ne 7:71 C D T R K And some of the chief of the fathers gave to the treasure of the work twenty thousand drams of gold [02091], and two thousand and two hundred pound of silver.
Ne 7:72 C D T And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold [02091], and two thousand pound of silver, and threescore and seven priests ' garments.
Es 1:6 C D T R K Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble : the beds were of gold [02091] and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.
Es 1:7 C D T R K And they gave them drink in vessels of gold [02091], (the vessels being diverse one from another,) and royal wine in abundance, according to the state of the king.
Es 4:11 C D T R K All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden [02091] sceptre, that he may live : but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.
Es 5:2 C D T R K And it was so, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favour in his sight : and the king held out to Esther the golden [02091] sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre.
Es 8:4 C D T R K Then the king held out the golden [02091] sceptre toward Esther. So Esther arose, and stood before the king,
Es 8:15 C D T R K And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold [02091], and with a garment of fine linen and purple : and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.
Job 3:15 C D T R K Or with princes that had gold [02091], who filled their houses with silver :
Job 23:10 C D T R K But he knoweth the way that I take : when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold [02091].
Job 28:1 C D T R K Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold [02091] where they fine it.
Job 28:6 C D T R K The stones of it are the place of sapphires : and it hath dust of gold [02091].
Job 28:17 C D T R K The gold [02091] and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold.
Job 31:24 C D T R K If I have made gold [02091] my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence;
Job 37:22 C D T R K Fair weather [02091] cometh out of the north : with God is terrible majesty.
Job 42:11 C D T R K Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house : and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold [02091].
Ps 19:10 C D T R K More to be desired are they than gold [02091], yea, than much fine gold : sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Ps 45:13 C D T R K The king's daughter is all glorious within : her clothing is of wrought gold [02091].
Ps 72:15 C D T R K And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold [02091] of Sheba : prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.
Ps 105:37 C D T R K He brought them forth also with silver and gold [02091]: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.
Ps 115:4 C D T R K Their idols are silver and gold [02091], the work of men's hands.
Ps 119:72 C D T R K The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold [02091] and silver.
Ps 119:127 C D T R K Therefore I love thy commandments above gold [02091]; yea, above fine gold.
Ps 135:15 C D T R K The idols of the heathen are silver and gold [02091], the work of men's hands.
Pr 11:22 C D T R K As a jewel of gold [02091] in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
Pr 17:3 C D T R K The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold [02091]: but the LORD trieth the hearts.
Pr 20:15 C D T R K There is gold [02091], and a multitude of rubies : but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
Pr 22:1 C D T R K A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold [02091].
Pr 25:11 C D T R K A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold [02091] in pictures of silver.
Pr 25:12 C D T R K As an earring of gold [02091], and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.
Pr 27:21 C D T R K As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold [02091]; so is a man to his praise.
Ec 2:8 C D T R K I gathered me also silver and gold [02091], and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces : I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.
Ec 12:6 C D T K Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden [02091] bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
So 1:11 C D T R K We will make thee borders of gold [02091] with studs of silver.
So 3:10 C D T R K He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold [02091], the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.
So 5:14 C D T R K His hands are as gold [02091] rings set with the beryl : his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires.
Isa 2:7 C D T R K Their land also is full of silver and gold [02091], neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots :
Isa 2:20 C D T R K In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold [02091], which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;
Isa 13:17 C D T R K Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold [02091], they shall not delight in it.
Isa 30:22 C D T R K Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold [02091]: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence.
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