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Verse You Selected: 2 Chronicles 26:15 - King James

Verse         Translation Text
2Ch 26:15 King James And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.
  Strong Concordance And he made [06213] in Jerusalem [03389] engines [02810], invented [04284] by cunning men [02803], to be on the towers [04026] and upon the bulwarks [06438], to shoot [03384] arrows [02671] and great [01419] stones [068] withal. And his name [08034] spread [03318] far abroad [07350]; for he was marvellously [06381] helped [05826], till [03588] he was strong [02388].
Hebrew For 6213
Word `asah
Pronunciation aw-saw'
Definition a primitive root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows):

accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, feast, (fight-)ing man, finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great, hinder, hold ((a feast)), indeed, be industrious, journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, sacrifice, serve, set, shew, sin, spend, surely, take, thoroughly, trim, very, vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.
Verse Occurrences 2286
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Ps 115:3 C D T R K But our God is in the heavens : he hath done [06213] whatsoever he hath pleased.
Ps 115:8 C T R K They that make [06213] them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.
Ps 115:15 C D T R K Ye are blessed of the LORD which made [06213] heaven and earth.
Ps 118:6 C D T R K The LORD is on my side; I will not fear : what can [06213] man do [06213] unto me?
Ps 118:15 C D T R K The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous : the right hand of the LORD doeth [06213] valiantly.
Ps 118:16 C D T R K The right hand of the LORD is exalted : the right hand of the LORD doeth [06213] valiantly.
Ps 118:24 C D T R K This is the day which the LORD hath made [06213]; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Ps 119:65 C D T R K TETH. Thou hast dealt [06213] well with thy servant, O LORD, according unto thy word.
Ps 119:73 C T R K JOD. Thy hands have made [06213] me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.
Ps 119:84 C D T R K How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute [06213] judgment on them that persecute me?
Ps 119:112 C D T R K I have inclined mine heart to perform [06213] thy statutes alway, even unto the end.
Ps 119:121 C D T R K AIN. I have done [06213] judgment and justice : leave me not to mine oppressors.
Ps 119:124 C D T R K Deal [06213] with thy servant according unto thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes.
Ps 119:126 C D T R K It is time for thee, LORD, to work [06213]: for they have made void thy law.
Ps 119:166 C D T R K LORD, I have hoped for thy salvation, and done [06213] thy commandments.
Ps 121:2 C D T R K My help cometh from the LORD, which made [06213] heaven and earth.
Ps 124:8 C D T R K Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made [06213] heaven and earth.
Ps 126:2 C D T R K Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing : then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done [06213] great things for them.
Ps 126:3 C D T R K The LORD hath done [06213] great things for us; whereof we are glad.
Ps 134:3 C D T R K The LORD that made [06213] heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.
Ps 135:6 C D T R K Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did [06213] he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.
Ps 135:7 C D T R K He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh [06213] lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.
Ps 135:18 C T R K They that make [06213] them are like unto them: so is every one that trusteth in them.
Ps 136:4 C D T R K To him who alone doeth [06213] great wonders : for his mercy endureth for ever.
Ps 136:5 C D T R K To him that by wisdom made [06213] the heavens : for his mercy endureth for ever.
Ps 136:7 C D T R K To him that made [06213] great lights : for his mercy endureth for ever :
Ps 139:15 C D T R K My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made [06213] in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Ps 140:12 C D T R K I know that the LORD will maintain [06213] the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.
Ps 143:10 C D T R K Teach me to do [06213] thy will; for thou art my God : thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
Ps 145:19 C D T R K He will fulfil [06213] the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.
Ps 146:6 C D T R K Which made [06213] heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever :
Ps 146:7 C D T R K Which executeth [06213] judgment for the oppressed : which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoners :
Ps 147:20 C D T R K He hath not dealt [06213] so with any nation : and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.
Ps 148:8 C D T R K Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling [06213] his word :
Ps 149:2 C D T R K Let Israel rejoice in him that made [06213] him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
Ps 149:7 C D T R K To execute [06213] vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
Ps 149:9 C D T R K To execute [06213] upon them the judgment written : this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
Pr 2:14 C T R K Who rejoice to do [06213] evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked;
Pr 3:27 C D T R K Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do [06213] it.
Pr 6:3 C D T R K Do [06213] this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.
Pr 6:32 C D T R K But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding : he that doeth [06213] it destroyeth his own soul.
Pr 8:26 C D T R K While as yet he had not made [06213] the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.
Pr 10:4 C D T R K He becometh poor that dealeth [06213] with a slack hand : but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
Pr 10:23 C D T R K It is as sport to a fool to do [06213] mischief : but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
Pr 11:18 C D T R K The wicked worketh [06213] a deceitful work : but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.
Pr 12:22 C D T R K Lying lips are abomination to the LORD : but they that deal [06213] truly are his delight.
Pr 13:16 C D T R K Every prudent man dealeth [06213] with knowledge : but a fool layeth open his folly.
Pr 14:17 C D T R K He that is soon angry dealeth [06213] foolishly : and a man of wicked devices is hated.
Pr 14:31 C D T R K He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker [06213]: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
Pr 16:12 C D T R K It is an abomination to kings to commit [06213] wickedness : for the throne is established by righteousness.
Pr 17:5 C D T R K Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker [06213]: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.
Pr 20:12 C D T R K The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made [06213] even both of them.
Pr 20:18 C D T R K Every purpose is established by counsel : and with good advice make [06213] war.
Pr 21:3 C D T R K To do [06213] justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.
Pr 21:7 C D T R K The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do [06213] judgment.
Pr 21:15 C D T R K It is joy to the just to do [06213] judgment : but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
Pr 21:24 C D T R K Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth [06213] in proud wrath.
Pr 21:25 C T R K The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour [06213].
Pr 22:2 C D T R K The rich and poor meet together : the LORD is the maker [06213] of them all.
Pr 22:28 C D T R K Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set [06213].
Pr 23:5 C D T R K Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly [06213] make [06213] themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.
Pr 24:6 C D T R For by wise counsel thou shalt make [06213] thy war : and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Pr 24:29 C D T R K Say not, I will do [06213] so to him as he hath done [06213] to me: I will render to the man according to his work.
Pr 25:8 C T R K Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do [06213] in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
Pr 26:28 C D T R K A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh [06213] ruin.
Pr 31:13 C D T R K She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh [06213] willingly with her hands.
Pr 31:22 C D T R K She maketh [06213] herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
Pr 31:24 C D T R K She maketh [06213] fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
Pr 31:29 C T R K Many daughters have done [06213] virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Ec 1:9 C D T R K The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done [06213] is that which shall be done [06213]: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Ec 1:13 C D T R K And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done [06213] under heaven : this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
Ec 1:14 C D T R K I have seen all the works that are done [06213] under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ec 2:2 C D T R K I said of laughter, It is mad : and of mirth, What doeth [06213] it?
Ec 2:3 C D T R K I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do [06213] under the heaven all the days of their life.
Ec 2:5 C D T R K I made [06213] me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits :
Ec 2:6 C D T R K I made [06213] me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees :
Ec 2:8 C D T R K I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces : I gat [06213] me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.
Ec 2:11 C D T R K Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought [06213], and on the labour that I had laboured to do [06213]: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
Ec 2:12 C D T R K And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly : for what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done [06213].
Ec 2:17 C D T R K Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought [06213] under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ec 3:9 C T R K What profit hath he that worketh [06213] in that wherein he laboureth?
Ec 3:11 C D T R K He hath made [06213] every thing beautiful in his time : also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh [06213] from the beginning to the end.
Ec 3:12 C D T R K I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do [06213] good in his life.
Ec 3:14 C D T R K I know that, whatsoever God doeth [06213], it shall be for ever : nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth [06213] it, that men should fear before him.
Ec 4:1 C D T R K So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done [06213] under the sun : and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.
Ec 4:3 C D T R K Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done [06213] under the sun.
Ec 5:1 C D T R K Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools : for they consider not that they do [06213] evil.
Ec 6:12 C D T R K For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth [06213] as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?
Ec 7:14 C D T R K In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider : God also hath set [06213] the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.
Ec 7:20 C D T R K For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth [06213] good, and sinneth not.
Ec 7:29 C D T R K Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made [06213] man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
Ec 8:3 C T R K Be not hasty to go out of his sight : stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth [06213] whatsoever pleaseth him.
Ec 8:4 C D T R K Where the word of a king is, there is power : and who may say unto him, What doest [06213] thou?
Ec 8:9 C D T R K All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done [06213] under the sun : there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.
Ec 8:10 C D T R K And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done [06213]: this is also vanity.
Ec 8:11 C D T R K Because sentence against an evil work is not executed [06213] speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do [06213] evil.
Ec 8:12 C D T R K Though a sinner do [06213] evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:
Ec 8:14 C D T R K There is a vanity which is done [06213] upon the earth; that there be just men, unto whom it happeneth according to the work of the wicked; again, there be wicked men, to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous : I said that this also is vanity.
Ec 8:16 C D T R K When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done [06213] upon the earth : (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes :)
Ec 8:17 C D T R Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done [06213] under the sun : because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.
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