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Results For: Hebrew 881

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Hebrew For 881
Word B'erowth
Pronunciation be-ay-rohth'
Definition feminine plural of 875; wells; Beeroth, a place in Palestine:

Root(s) 875  
Verse Occurrences 5

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Verse         Other Content    Text
Jos 9:17 C D T R And the children of Israel journeyed, and came unto their cities on the third day. Now their cities were Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth [0881], and Kirjathjearim.
Jos 18:25 C D T R Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth [0881],
2Sa 4:2 C D T R And Saul's son had two men that were captains of bands : the name of the one was Baanah, and the name of the other Rechab, the sons of Rimmon a Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin : (for Beeroth [0881] also was reckoned to Benjamin :
Ezr 2:25 C D T R The children of Kirjatharim, Chephirah, and Beeroth [0881], seven hundred and forty and three.
Ne 7:29 C D T R The men of Kirjathjearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth [0881], seven hundred forty and three.

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