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Results For: Hebrew 6222

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Hebrew For 6222
Word `Asayah
Pronunciation aw-saw-yaw'
Definition from 6213 and 3050; Jah has made; Asajah, the name of three or four Israelites:

Root(s) 6213  3050  
Verse Occurrences 8

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Verse         Other Content    Text
2Ki 22:12 C D T R And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Michaiah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asahiah [06222] a servant of the king's, saying,
2Ki 22:14 C D T R So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah [06222], went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed with her.
1Ch 4:36 C D T And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jeshohaiah, and Asaiah [06222], and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and Benaiah,
1Ch 6:30 C D T Shimea his son, Haggiah his son, Asaiah [06222] his son.
1Ch 9:5 C D T R And of the Shilonites; Asaiah [06222] the firstborn, and his sons.
1Ch 15:6 C D T R Of the sons of Merari; Asaiah [06222] the chief, and his brethren two hundred and twenty :
1Ch 15:11 C D T R And David called for Zadok and Abiathar the priests, and for the Levites, for Uriel, Asaiah [06222], and Joel, Shemaiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab,
2Ch 34:20 C D T R And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Abdon the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah [06222] a servant of the king's, saying,

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