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Results For: Hebrew 5871

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Hebrew For 5871
Word `Ayin
Pronunciation ah'-yin
Definition the same as 5869; fountain; Ajin, the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine:

Root(s) 5869  
Verse Occurrences 5

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Verse         Other Content    Text
Nu 34:11 C D T R And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain [05871]; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward :
Jos 15:32 C D T R And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain [05871], and Rimmon : all the cities are twenty and nine, with their villages :
Jos 19:7 C D T R Ain [05871], Remmon, and Ether, and Ashan; four cities and their villages :
Jos 21:16 C D T R And Ain [05871] with her suburbs, and Juttah with her suburbs, and Bethshemesh with her suburbs; nine cities out of those two tribes.
1Ch 4:32 C D T R And their villages were, Etam, and Ain [05871], Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five cities :

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