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Results For: Hebrew 5667

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Hebrew For 5667
Word `abowt
Pronunciation ab-ote'
Definition or rabot {ab-ote'}; from 5670; a pawn:

Root(s) 5670  
Verse Occurrences 4

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Verse         Other Content    Text
De 24:10 C D T R When thou dost lend thy brother any thing, thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge [05667].
De 24:11 C D T Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to whom thou dost lend shall bring out the pledge [05667] abroad unto thee.
De 24:12 C D T R And if the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge [05667]:
De 24:13 C D T R In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge [05667] again when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.

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