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Hebrew For 5274
Word na`al
Pronunciation naw-al'
Definition a primitive root; properly, to fasten up, i.e. with a bar or cord; hence (denominative from 5275), to sandal, i.e. furnish with slippers:

bolt, inclose, lock, shoe, shut up.
Root(s) 5275  
Verse Occurrences 7

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Verse         Other Content    Text
Jud 3:23 C D T Then Ehud went forth through the porch, and shut the doors of the parlour upon him, and locked [05274] them.
Jud 3:24 C D T R When he was gone out, his servants came; and when they saw that, behold, the doors of the parlour were locked [05274], they said, Surely he covereth his feet in his summer chamber.
2Sa 13:17 C D T Then he called his servant that ministered unto him, and said, Put now this woman out from me, and bolt [05274] the door after her.
2Sa 13:18 C D T R And she had a garment of divers colours upon her: for with such robes were the king's daughters that were virgins apparelled. Then his servant brought her out, and bolted [05274] the door after her.
2Ch 28:15 C D T R And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod [05274] them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren : then they returned to Samaria.
So 4:12 C D T R A garden inclosed [05274] is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up [05274], a fountain sealed.
Eze 16:10 C D T R I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod [05274] thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7