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Results For: Hebrew 3788

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Hebrew For 3788
Word kishrown
Pronunciation kish-rone'
Definition from 3787; success, advantage:

equity, good, right.
Root(s) 3787  
Verse Occurrences 3

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Verse         Other Content    Text
Ec 2:21 C D T R For there is a man whose labour is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity [03788]; yet to a man that hath not laboured therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.
Ec 4:4 C D T R Again, I considered all travail, and every right [03788] work, that for this a man is envied of his neighbour. This is also vanity and vexation of spirit.
Ec 5:11 C T R When goods increase, they are increased that eat them: and what good [03788] is there to the owners thereof, saving the beholding of them with their eyes?

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