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Hebrew For 3407
Word yriy`ah
Pronunciation yer-ee-aw'
Definition from 3415; a hanging (as tremulous):

Root(s) 3415  
Verse Occurrences 32

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Ex 26:1 C D T R Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains [03407] of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet : with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.
Ex 26:2 C D T R The length of one curtain [03407] shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain [03407] four cubits : and every one of the curtains [03407] shall have one measure.
Ex 26:3 C T R The five curtains [03407] shall be coupled together one to another; and other five curtains [03407] shall be coupled one to another.
Ex 26:4 C D T R And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain [03407] from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of another curtain [03407], in the coupling of the second.
Ex 26:5 C D T Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain [03407], and fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain [03407] that is in the coupling of the second; that the loops may take hold one of another.
Ex 26:6 C D T R And thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, and couple the curtains [03407] together with the taches : and it shall be one tabernacle.
Ex 26:7 C D T R And thou shalt make curtains [03407] of goats ' hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle : eleven curtains [03407] shalt thou make.
Ex 26:8 C D T R The length of one curtain [03407] shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain [03407] four cubits : and the eleven curtains [03407] shall be all of one measure.
Ex 26:9 C D T And thou shalt couple five curtains [03407] by themselves, and six curtains [03407] by themselves, and shalt double the sixth curtain [03407] in the forefront of the tabernacle.
Ex 26:10 C D T And thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain [03407] that is outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain [03407] which coupleth the second.
Ex 26:12 C D T And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains [03407] of the tent, the half curtain [03407] that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle.
Ex 26:13 C D T R And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains [03407] of the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.
Ex 36:8 C D T R And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains [03407] of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet : with cherubims of cunning work made he them.
Ex 36:9 C D T The length of one curtain [03407] was twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain [03407] four cubits : the curtains [03407] were all of one size.
Ex 36:10 C T R And he coupled the five curtains [03407] one unto another : and the other five curtains [03407] he coupled one unto another.
Ex 36:11 C D T R And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain [03407] from the selvedge in the coupling : likewise he made in the uttermost side of another curtain [03407], in the coupling of the second.
Ex 36:12 C D T R Fifty loops made he in one curtain [03407], and fifty loops made he in the edge of the curtain [03407] which was in the coupling of the second : the loops held one curtain to another.
Ex 36:13 C D T R And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains [03407] one unto another with the taches : so it became one tabernacle.
Ex 36:14 C D T R And he made curtains [03407] of goats ' hair for the tent over the tabernacle : eleven curtains [03407] he made them.
Ex 36:15 C D T The length of one curtain [03407] was thirty cubits, and four cubits was the breadth of one curtain [03407]: the eleven curtains [03407] were of one size.
Ex 36:16 C D T And he coupled five curtains [03407] by themselves, and six curtains [03407] by themselves.
Ex 36:17 C D T And he made fifty loops upon the uttermost edge of the curtain [03407] in the coupling, and fifty loops made he upon the edge of the curtain [03407] which coupleth the second.
Nu 4:25 C D T R And they shall bear the curtains [03407] of the tabernacle, and the tabernacle of the congregation, his covering, and the covering of the badgers ' skins that is above upon it, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,
2Sa 7:2 C D T R That the king said unto Nathan the prophet, See now, I dwell in an house of cedar, but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains [03407].
1Ch 17:1 C D T R Now it came to pass, as David sat in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, Lo, I dwell in an house of cedars, but the ark of the covenant of the LORD remaineth under curtains [03407].
Ps 104:2 C D T R Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment : who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain [03407]:
So 1:5 C D T R I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains [03407] of Solomon.
Isa 54:2 C D T R Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains [03407] of thine habitations : spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
Jer 4:20 C D T R Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled : suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains [03407] in a moment.
Jer 10:20 C D T R My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken : my children are gone forth of me, and they are not: there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains [03407].
Jer 49:29 C D T R Their tents and their flocks shall they take away : they shall take to themselves their curtains [03407], and all their vessels, and their camels; and they shall cry unto them, Fear is on every side.
Hab 3:7 C D T R I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction : and the curtains [03407] of the land of Midian did tremble.

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