Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Sa 9:5 And when they were come [0935] to the land [0776] of Zuph [06689], Saul [07586] said [0559] to his servant [05288] that was with him, Come [03212], and let us return [07725]; lest my father [01] leave [02308] caring for the asses [0860], and take thought [01672] for us.

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
FATHER Is often synonymous with ancestor, founder, or originator, as Ge 4:20-21 Joh 8:56 Ro 4:16. Joseph was a father to Pharoah, Ge 45:8, as his counselor and provider. God is the FATHER of men, as their Creator, De 32:6 Isa 63:16 64:8 Lu 3:38. But as we have forfeited the rights of children by our sins, it is only through Christ that we can call God by that endearing name, "our Father," Joh 20:17 Ro 8:15-17.

In patriarchal times, a father was master and judge in his own household, and exercised and authority almost unlimited over his family. Filial disobedience or disrespect was a high offence. Under the law, certain acts of children were capital crimes, Ex 21:15,17 Le 20:9; and the father was required to bring his son to the public tribunal, De 21:18-21. See MOTHER.