Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Sa 6:17 And these are the golden [02091] emerods [02914] which the Philistines [06430] returned [07725] for a trespass offering [0817] unto the LORD [03068]; for Ashdod [0795] one [0259], for Gaza [05804] one [0259], for Askelon [0831] one [0259], for Gath [01661] one [0259], for Ekron [06138] one [0259];

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ASHDOD One of the five chief cities of the Philistines, assigned to the tribe of Judah, but never conquered by them, Jos 13:3; 15:47; 1Sa 5:1; 6:17; Ne 4:7. Here stood the temple of Dagon; and hither the ark was first brought, after the fatal battle at Ebenezer, 1Sa 5:1. It was called by the Greeks Azotus. And belonged to Judea in the time of Christ. Here Philip preached the gospel, Ac 8:40. At the present day, it is a miserable village, still called Esdud.