Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Sa 17:11 When Saul [07586] and all Israel [03478] heard [08085] those words [01697] of the Philistine [06430], they were dismayed [02865], and greatly [03966] afraid [03372].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ISRAEL Who prevails with God, a name given to Jacob, after having wrestled with the Angel-Jehovah at Penuel. Ge 32:1,2,28,30 Ho 12:3. See JACOB. By the name Israel is sometimes understood all the posterity of Israel, the seed of Jacob, 1Co 10:18; sometimes all true believers, his spiritual seed, Ro 9:6; and sometimes the kingdom of Israel, or the ten tribes, as distinct from the kingdom of Judah.