Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Jude 1:9 Yet [1161] Michael [3413] the archangel [743], when [3753] contending [1252] with the devil [1228] he disputed [1256] about [4012] the body [4983] of Moses [3475], durst [5111] not [3756] bring against him [2018] a railing [988] accusation [2920], but [235] said [2036], The Lord [2962] rebuke [2008] thee [4671].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ARCHANGEL This world is only twice used in the Bible, 1Th 4:16 Jude 1:9. In this last passage it is applied to Michael, who, in Da 10:13,21 12:1, is described as having a special charge of the Jewish nation, and in Re 12:7-9 as the leader of an angelic army. So exalted are the position and offices ascribed to Michael, that many think the Messiah is meant.