Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Heb 1:3 Who [3739] being [5607] the brightness [541] of his glory [1391], and [2532] the express image [5481] of his [846] person [5287], and [5037] upholding [5342] all things [3956] by the word [4487] of his [846] power [1411], when he had [4160] [2512] by [1223] himself [1438] purged [4160] [2512] our [2257] sins [266], sat down [2523] on [1722] the right hand [1188] of the Majesty [3172] on [1722] high [5308];

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
BY in the expression "by myself" (A.V., 1 Cor. 4:4), means, as rendered in the Revised Version, "against myself."