Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Tit 1:7 For [1063] a bishop [1985] must [1163] be [1511] blameless [410], as [5613] the steward [3623] of God [2316]; not [3361] selfwilled [829], not [3361] soon angry [3711], not [3361] given to wine [3943], no [3361] striker [4131], not [3361] given to filthy lucre [146];

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
BISHOP An overseer, one who has the charge and direction of any thing. The most common acceptation of the word in the New Testament, is that which occurs Ac 20:28 Php 1:1, where it signifies Christ "the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls," 1Pe 2:25. Paul describes the qualities requisite in bishops, 1Ti 3:2 Tit 1:7, etc.; Christ himself is their great exemplar.