Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Updated King James Ac 10:3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ANGEL The original word, both in Hebrew and Greek, means messenger, and is so translated, Mt 11:10 Lu 7:24. It is often applied to an ordinary messenger, Job 1:14 1Sa 11:3 Lu 9:52; to prophets, Isa 42:19 Hag 1:13; to priests, Ec 5:6 Mal 2:7; and even to inanimate objects, Ps 78:49 104:4 2Co 12:7. Under the general sense of messenger, the term, angel is properly applied also to Christ, as the great Angel or Messenger of the covenant, Mal 3:1, and to the ministers of his gospel, the overseers or angels of the churches, Re 2:1,8,12, etc. In 1Co 11:10, the best interpreters understand by the term "angels" the holy angels, who were present in an especial sense in the Christian assemblies; and from reverence to them it was proper that the women should have power (veils, as a sign of their being in subjection to a higher power) on their heads. See under VEIL.

But generally in the Bible the word is applied to a race of intelligent beings, of a higher order than man, who surround the Deity, and whom he employs as his messengers or agents in administering the affairs of the world, and in promoting the welfare of individuals, as well as of the whole human race,

Mt 1:20 22:30 Ac 7:30. Whether pure spirits, or having spiritual bodies, they have no bodily organization like ours, and are not distinguished in sex, Mt 22:30. They were doubtless created long before our present world was made, Job 38:7.

The Bible represents them as exceedingly numerous, Da 7:10 Mt 26:53 Lu 2:13 Heb 12:22,23; as remarkable for strength, Ps 103:20 2Pe 2:11 Re 5:2 18:21 19:17; and for activity, Jud 13:20 Isa 6:2-6 Da 9:21-23 Mt 13:49 26:53 Ac 27:23 Re 8:13. They appear to be of divers orders, Isa 6:2-6 Eze 10:1 Col 1:16 Re 12:7. Their name indicates their agency in the dispensations of Providence towards man, and the Bible abounds in narratives of events in which they have borne a visible part. Yet in this employment they act as the mere instruments of God, and in fulfilment of his commands, Ps 91:11 103:20 Heb 1:14. We are not therefore to put trust in them, pay them adoration, or pray in their name, Re 19:10 22:8,9. Though Scripture does not warrant us to believe that each individual has his particular guardian angel, it teaches very explicitly that the angels minister to every Christian, Mt 18:10 Lu 16:22 Heb 1:14. They are intensely concerned in the salvation of men, Lu 2:10-12 15:7,10 1Pe 1:12; and will share with saints the blessedness of heaven forever, Heb 12:22.

Those angels "who kept not their first estate," but fell and rebelled against God, are called the angels of Satan or the devil, Mt 25:41 Re 12:9. These are represented as being "cast down to hell, and reserved unto judgment," 2Pe 2:4. See SYNAGOGUE, ARCHANGEL.