Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Mt 4:15 The land [1093] of Zabulon [2194], and [2532] the land [1093] of Nephthalim [3508], by the way [3598] of the sea [2281], beyond [4008] Jordan [2446], Galilee [1056] of the Gentiles [1484];

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
BEYOND when used with reference to Jordan, signifies in the writings of Moses the west side of the river, as he wrote on the east bank (Gen. 50:10, 11; Deut. 1:1, 5; 3:8, 20; 4:46); but in the writings of Joshua, after he had crossed the river, it means the east side (Josh. 5:1; 12:7; 22:7).