Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Mt 26:23 And [1161] he answered [611] and said [2036], He that dippeth [1686] his hand [5495] with [3326] me [1700] in [1722] the dish [5165], the same [3778] shall betray [3860] me [3165].

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
DISH for eating from (2 Kings 21:13). Judas dipped his hand with a "sop" or piece of bread in the same dish with our Lord, thereby indicating friendly intimacy (Matt. 26:23). The "lordly dish" in Judg. 5:25 was probably the shallow drinking cup, usually of brass. In Judg. 6:38 the same Hebrew word is rendered "bowl."

The dishes of the tabernacle were made of pure gold (Ex. 25:29; 37:16).