Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Zec 9:14 And the LORD [03068] shall be seen [07200] over them, and his arrow [02671] shall go forth [03318] as the lightning [01300]: and the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] shall blow [08628] the trumpet [07782], and shall go [01980] with whirlwinds [05591] of the south [08486].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ARROW Used by the Jews both in hunting and in war; sometimes merely a sharpened reed, sometimes feathered, barbed, and even poisoned, Job 6:4. The bow was of various forms and materials, and many could be used only by the strongest men, Ps 18:34. Arrows were used to convey fire to an enemy's house, and for divination, Eze 21:21. The word is applied symbolically to children, Ps 127:4,5; to the lightning, Ps 18:14 Hab 3:11; to sudden calamities, Job 6:4 Ps 38:2 91:5 Eze 5:15; and to the deceitful and bitter words of an evil tongue, Ps 64:3 120:4.