Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Eze 23:20 For she doted [05689] upon their paramours [06370], whose flesh [01320] is as the flesh [01320] of asses [02543], and whose issue [02231] is like the issue [02231] of horses [05483].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
FLESH The substance of which the bodies of men and animals are composed. In the Bible, besides the ordinary sense, Job 33:25, it denotes mankind as a race, Ge 6:12 Ps 145:21 Isa 40:5-6; and all living creatures on the earth, Ge 6:17,19. It is often used in opposition to "spirit," as we use body and soul, Job 14:22; and sometimes means the body as animated and sensitive, Mt 26:41, and the seat of bodily appetites, Pr 5:11 2Co 7:1. In the New Testament, "flesh" is very often used to designate the bodily appetites, propensities, and passions, which draw men away from yielding themselves to the Lord and to the things of the Spirit. The flesh, or carnal principle, is opposed to the spirit, or spiritual principle, Ro 8:1-39 Ga 5:17.