Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Eze 18:14 Now, lo, if he beget [03205] a son [01121], that seeth [07200] all his father's [01] sins [02403] which he hath done [06213], and considereth [07200], and doeth [06213] not such like [02004],

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
SON Sometimes denotes a grandson, or any remote descendant, Ge 29:5 2Sa 19:24. At other times a son by adoption is meant, Ge 48:5; or by law, Ru 4:17; or by education, 1Sa 3:6 20:35; or by conversion, as Titus was Paul's "son father the common faith," Tit 1:4. And again it denotes a mental or moral resemblance, etc., Jud 19:22 Ps 89:6 Isa 57:3 Ac 13:10. In a similar sense men are sometimes called sons of God, Lu 3:38 Ro 8:14.