Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Pr 19:5 A false [08267] witness [05707] shall not be unpunished [05352], and he that speaketh [06315] lies [03577] shall not escape [04422].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
WITNESS One who testifies to any fact from his own personal knowledge. Under the Mosaic law, two witnesses under oath were necessary to convict a person charged with a capital crime, Nu 35:30; and if the criminal was stoned, the witnesses were bound to cast the first stones, De 17:6-7 Ac 7:58. The Greek word for witness is MARTYR, which see.

The apostles were witnesses, in proclaiming to the world the facts of the gospel, Ac 1:8,22 2:32 2Pe 1:12,16-18; and Christ is a "faithful witness," in testifying to men of heavenly things, Joh 3:12 Re 1:5. The heroes of the ancient church are "witnesses" to the power of true faith, Heb 12:1.