Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Verse You Selected: 

Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Job 30:25 Did not I weep [01058] for him that was in trouble [07186] [03117]? was not my soul [05315] grieved [05701] for the poor [034]?

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
POOR Ps 12:5 41:1-3, especially cared for in the Jewish dispensation, Ex 23:6 Pr 14:31, and even more so under the gospel, Mt 25:42-45 Jas 2:5. The slight offerings required of them by the law were as acceptable as the hecatombs of the rich, Le 5:7-13 Mr 12:41-44. The gleanings of the fields, the olive trees, and the vines, were to be left for them, Le 19:9 De 24:19 Ru 2:2. Every seventh year, the spontaneous products of the ground were free to all, Le 25:7; and in the Jubilee their alienated inheritance returned to their possession. Compare also Le 25:1-55 De 24:1-22. Neglect and oppression of the poor were severely reproved by the prophets, Isa 10:2 Jer 5:28 Am 2:6; but charity to the poor was an eminent virtue among primitive Christians, Mt 6:2-4 Lu 10:33-35 19:8 Ac 9:36-39 10:2 11:29-30.