Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Ezr 4:10 And the rest [07606] of the nations [0524] whom [01768] the great [07229] and noble [03358] Asnappar [0620] brought over [01541], and set [03488] [01994] in the cities [07149] of Samaria [08115], and the rest [07606] that are on this side [05675] the river [05103], and at such a time [03706].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
REST In Ac 9:31, refers to the respite from persecution enjoyed by the Christians in Palestine, after the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, during the last two years of Caligula's short reign, A. D. 39 and 40, when the Jews were so harassed by the attempts of the emperor to force them to worship him as a god, that they forbore to afflict the followers of Christ.