Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Ezr 10:18 And among the sons [01121] of the priests [03548] there were found [04672] that had taken [03427] strange [05237] wives [0802]: namely, of the sons [01121] of Jeshua [03442] the son [01121] of Jozadak [03136], and his brethren [0251]; Maaseiah [04641], and Eliezer [0461], and Jarib [03402], and Gedaliah [01436].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
ELIEZER 1. Of Damascus, the lawful heir of Abraham, should he die childless, Ge 15:2. He is generally assumed to be the "eldest servant," who was sent, sixty-five years afterwards, to obtain a wife for Isaac, Ge 24:1-67. But as the name of the latter is not given; as Abraham had near relatives, Lot and others; and as there is no evidence that he ever lived in Damascus, some think Eliezer must have been a near relative of Abraham residing at Damascus; and that "steward of my house" and "born in my house"-literally son of my house, Ge 15:2,3-mean the same thing, the lawful family heir.

2. Several others of this name are mentioned, Ex 18:4 1Ch 15:24 27:16 2Ch 20:37 Lu 3:29.