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Strong Concordance 1Ch 4:37 And Ziza [02124] the son [01121] of Shiphi [08230], the son [01121] of Allon [0438], the son [01121] of Jedaiah [03042], the son [01121] of Shimri [08113], the son [01121] of Shemaiah [08098];

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
ALLON oak. (1.) The expression in the Authorized Version of Josh. 19:33, "from Allon to Zaanannim," is more correctly rendered in the Revised Version, "from the oak in Zaanannim." The word denotes some remarkable tree which stood near Zaanannim, and which served as a landmark.

(2.) The son of Jedaiah, of the family of the Simeonites, who expelled the Hamites from the valley of Gedor (1 Chr. 4:37).