Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Ch 15:18 And with them their brethren [0251] of the second [04932] degree, Zechariah [02148], Ben [01122], and Jaaziel [03268], and Shemiramoth [08070], and Jehiel [03171], and Unni [06042], Eliab [0446], and Benaiah [01141], and Maaseiah [04641], and Mattithiah [04993], and Elipheleh [0466], and Mikneiah [04737], and Obededom [05654], and Jeiel [03273], the porters [07778].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
BENAIAH Son of Jehoiada, and commander of David's bodyguards. Several instances of his rare bravery are recorded, 2Sa 8:18 2Sa 23:20-23. He adhered to Solomon when some favored the pretensions of Adonijah, slew Joab at the command of Solomon, and was made general of the army in his stead, 1Ki 1:36 2:29-35.