Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Ch 11:43 Hanan [02605] the son [01121] of Maachah [04601], and Joshaphat [03146] the Mithnite [04981],

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
HANAN merciful. (1.) A Benjamite (1 Chr. 8:23).

(2.) One of David's heroes (1 Chr. 11:43).

(3.) Jer. 35:4.

(4.) A descendant of Saul (1 Chr. 8:38).

(5.) One of the Nethinim (Ezra 2:46).

(6.) One of the Levites who assisted Ezra (Neh. 8:7).

(7.) One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant (Neh. 10:22).