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Strong Concordance 1Ch 1:47 And when Hadad [01908] was dead [04191], Samlah [08072] of Masrekah [04957] reigned [04427] in his stead.

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
HADAD 1. An Idumean prince, who defeated the Midianites in the plains of Moab, Ge 36:35 1Ch 1:16.

2. A second prince of Edom, mentioned in 1Ch 1:51.

3. Another Edomite of the royal family, who fled to Egypt while young, upon David's conquest of Edom, 2Sa 8:14; was well received, and married the queen's sister. After the death of David and Joab, he returned to Edom and made an ineffectual effort to throw off the yoke of Solomon, 1Ki 11:14-22 2Ch 8:17.