Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Ki 12:5 And he said [0559] unto them, Depart [03212] yet for three [07969] days [03117], then come again [07725] to me. And the people [05971] departed [03212].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
THREE The phrase "three days and three nights," Mt 12:40, was equivalent in Hebrew to the English "three days;" the Jews employing the expression "a day and a night" to denote our "day" of twentyfour hours. Nor did "three days," 1Sa 30:13, literally "this third day," according to their usage, necessarily include the whole of three days, but a part of three days, a continuous period including one whole day of twenty-four hours, and a portion of the day preceding it and the day following it. Compare Ge 7:12,17 1Sa 30:12-13.