Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance 1Ki 11:8 And likewise did [06213] he for all his strange [05237] wives [0802], which burnt incense [06999] and sacrificed [02076] unto their gods [0430].

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
GODS The words god and gods, Hebrew ELOHIM, are several times used in Scripture to express the power, office, or excellence of some created beings, as angels, magistrates, Ex 22:20,28 Ps 86:8 97:12; often also for the false gods of the heathen. These were exceedingly numerous, and are denoted by various terms, signifying vanity, falsehood, etc. Among the first objects to be deified were the sun, the moon, and the chief powers of nature. Innumerable animals, deceased men, all ages, passions, and conditions of man, and every thing which fear, lust, malice, pride, or caprice could suggest, were made objects of worship. The gods of modern India are numbered by millions.